Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Art Shows and Garage Sales...

This past weekend was The Creative Arts Association of Lakewood Ranch Spring Art Show. I didn’t participate as an artist or crafter this year but did volunteer my services to greet attendees, distribute show programs, keep a tally of the head count and try to explain about the "Best of Show" contest, in which the public would be our judge.
Strange how people come in clusters, attendance can be sporadic, a few dribbles and then a long lull followed by a mini crowd that, for one person, can be difficult to address. Know that a few managed to slip past without getting the show’s program not to mention giving them info on our best of show ballots!
Fortunately, or not, there was a lot going on locally that weekend. Scarcely a block away The Art Center was having its big arts and crafts show, and somewhere between us and the Art Center’s show was The Women’s Club, "All American Girls’ Fashion Show"...I should also mention that the surrounding neighborhoods were involved in a community Garage/Yard sale. However, all-in-all, the attendance was noticeably down from last year’s and with the lack luster crowd the day seemed infinitely longer.
Though I wasn’t a participating artist or crafter, I somehow managed to sell a piece that I had made...my spiral twist, seed beaded necklace with its’ picture jasper donut pendant and its’ pearl embellished, seed beaded bail...the one I feature as my avatar. Someone asked me to bring it as she had seen it on my Etsy website and wished to see it "up close and personal". When she actually saw it, she said; " Oh it's much prettier than it is in the photo." Once she put it on it was love at first sight, she had to have it, and of course now wants earrings to compliment her purchase. So for myself it was decidedly a very positive day. But now I have a quandary, should I keep my old avatar, as that necklace was definitely one of a kind and I don’t intend to make another ( it takes far too long and in today’s economy not many wish to pay what my time and effort in making it is worth)...or should I look for a new avatar ?

Above is photo of the twisted rope necklace with its Picture Jasper pendant and seed beaded bail. Never felt that I was able to capture the true beauty of the piece and many times things just have to be seen to be fully appreciated.

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