Friday, March 13, 2009

On Top of a Down Economy

Perhaps it is indeed, just the economy. Sales are down and people are scrambling to get in on any financial scraps that might come their way, like a flock of hungry pigeons pecking at any and every crumb that's dropped. At times even the smallest ort will create a feeding frenzy.
Online shops and website stores seem to hold a glimmer of promise for the artisan or crafter trying to stay afloat or make a living from what they do, and yet there are only a few who truly make it. Those that started out first and got their sites well established, or those who have other avenues that will lead prospective buyers to their site. It is always an advantage to have outside connections such as a real brick and mortar store, hosting in-home trunk shows or buying parties, even attending craft fairs, art shows and exhibitions. These things bring you into contact with people and also keep you abreast of what the public taste is and what they are buying and, most importantly, how much they are willing to spend. Their budget gives you an idea of exactly what your price points should be and how to tailor your products to that price point. In the least, it is a means where you can pass around your business cards, give your customer a cheerful smile, a welcome "Hello", and a casual mention that you've an online shop. This can perhaps draw some buyers to go online and check you out.

Photo of my "42nd Street Bead Shoppe".

1 comment:

  1. Your bead shop is beautiful! I would be in heaven in there!


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