Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Over the Rainbow...somewhere

Today my trip through Sarasota’s Local Etsy shops brought me to page 10...the languishing last page...the finale chapter before listed items reach their 4 month expiration and fade from the roll call. These shops would soon pass into oblivion. Had their creators lost hope or had they merely grown disheartened, bored, or decided to pursue a different path? Etsy is such a big place, it is far too easy to slip through the cracks, unnoticed, forgotten.
The last store on this last page is a tiny shop "MsDollFace" by a young lady called Joanna. A very pretty girl who does modeling on the side, she has a full time job, after all one does have to eat and rent must be paid. Joanna fashions custom purses...of which her tiny shop only showcases 2. A well fleshed out shop is more inviting but sometimes that can be an impossible goal, if Joanna had fabricated 50 purses where would she stash them, not many people have enough storage space in a small apartment. If one has time please give Joanna’s shop a visit and perchance, if the whim strikes, tag her as a favorite, I’m sure it will help boost her spirits.

Another shop lost on page 10 is NinaSnail, teetering on the brink of the abyss. Too bad that there isn’t a course on Etsy 101...Nina’s shop needs work, perhaps she became disillusioned and began to break it down or perhaps she just never understood the need for a shop banner, a profile page and virtual store shelves that carried more than just 3 items. I’m sure Nina is fairly young and full of dreams and aspirations, her art is an ancient one, crochet. I’d love to be able to sit down and talk with her, tell her there are so many things she could offer with her art; crocheted handbags, belts, decorative flowers that one could pin to a dress or the lapel of a suit or on the brim of a hat, pot holders, little crocheted appliques that one can sew onto garments for embellishment. Perhaps someone out there can offer her a glimmer of hope.
Maybe someday we can all find our dreams, somewhere over the rainbow ?
Above photo was taken from the front of my home, if one looks closely they might be able to make out the faint second rainbow above the brighter, dominate one.

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