Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Talisman ?

Today I scanned through several "Last Page" shops and became aware that many were receiving sales even though the shops had not been updated in a number of weeks. Perhaps they were sales through arts and crafts shows and the shops neglect was not one of public disinterest but one of time management. So I’ve decided that my attention should be redirected back to my own ailing shop...this afternoon I will take more photos, though I know my poor PC will groan with the prospect of having to store yet more pictures...wish there were an easier way and one that was more organized.
Lately I’ve been working on a Jasper pendant bedecked with wire work charms. Here are photos of work in progress and then the finished pendant. Can’t say as I’m pleased with the photography, even with 4 reflective photo lights the picture seems dark...tried to lighten in Picasa photo editing but there is only so much fill and highlight that one can add without washing out details. Guess you can surmise that my forte is not photography ! May try an outdoor photo shoot, if that doesn’t work I’ll have to invest in a couple more clamp-on reflective lights and full spectrum bulbs.

Above photo shows my new pendant strung from nothing more that cream colored crochet thread, am contemplating a strand of small red jasper beads to compliment the large 12mm red jasper bead at the top of the charm holder. Also playing with naming it "Talisman", maybe it will be the charm that breaks my shop's no sale streak, I can dream can't I ?

1 comment:

  1. Whoops, don't know if my comment went through -- I'll try again. Your photos are looking really nice, and for storage, maybe you just need an external hard drive for your images?? Keep up the good work :)

    at Rings & Things


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