Friday, April 10, 2009

Miraculous Recovery

To those who visit here every-so-often, you may recall my past blog entry (3/31/09) regarding a planter filled with frost damaged lantana. We have tackled the task of clipping, trimming and cleaning out all the dead branches and twigs. Afterwards I looked like I had been in a cat fight, though lantana does not have thorns it does have very dense and branching growth, once dry and hard this growth can be incredibly sharp. Having learned that, should I need to do this again next year, I will wear protective long sleeves and gardening gloves.
It has only been a couple of weeks since John and I cleaned out all the dead growth but you can see how resilient the Gold Mound Lantana seems to grow like a weed, very rapidly !
Spent most of yesterday tending to some of our garden’s needs and didn’t get much accomplished with things on my computer. Am still in a fog about Twitter, can’t seem to find my way around, guess I need a tutorial to show me how to post links to photos, how to change my home page background and how to draw followers...guess what I really need is to be 18 or 20 years old again ! : )
If anyone is interested I am at twitter :
Though I’m not into the quick snippets of conversations, micro posts and links I have my fingers crossed that, with luck, I’ll learn and catch on.

Photos are of our driveway planter, hard to believe that just a couple of weeks ago we thought this lush green lantana was dead...killed by several nights of freezing temps. But now it is even covered in sunny, golden-yellow blossoms...butterflies should not be far behind.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog! i'm so glad you did and that now i'm visiting yours.

    it is amazing how quickly the lantana sprang back.

    i've not tried twitter yet. i'm already on my space, facebook, etsy, my blog and flicker. plus i participate in a family blog. not sure i can handle one more thing. smile!

    take care and have a great easter weekend!


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