Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First Award...

Just received my first Blog award.
Such a wonderful surprise. Mandi of MandiBeads has presented me with a "Lovely Blog" award. Mandi also has a wonderful blog and a fantastic Etsy shop MandiBeads .

Thanks so much Mandi !

Now it is my turn to pass the baton on to 15 of my favorite blogs...Hard choice to make as I have sooo many favorites.
But after agonizing over my many wonderful choices I have come up with my 15 favorites listed below...Now it's your turn HERE ARE THE RULES:
1. Accept the award.
2. Post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, along
with his or her blog link.
3. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

1. Divokc
2. Rquick
Please check out these lovely blogs...you might discover your own hidden treasure...a new favorite blog !!! Enjoy.


  1. Thanks for giving me that award! I feel so special and loved. :)

    <3 xtine

  2. Christine - that's because you ARE special AND loved.

  3. Wow I literally shouted Shut Up! When I read your comment. How Exciting, thanks for thinking of me!

  4. Anna - Thank you for this special award. What a thoughtful way to let someone know you enjoy their blog. AND...congratulations to you! Now, I get to spread the love.
    Have a wonderful week ~ Cathie

  5. Anna
    I am honored! Thank you for choosing us! I will get to work on this later - after I get my 2 VERY tired angels - who have sprouting right now:) - to bed. Thanks again for the compliment.

  6. Renee[Q][C] - It was my pleasure...and thank YOU for the pleasure you've given me with your wonderful blog. Anna

  7. oh wow!! thank you so much!! i am very honored and will have such fun passing this on! and congrats to you as well! definitly a lovely blog!

  8. Cathie - I think when we receive an award like this we can't help but feel like Sally Fields did when she got her oscar..."You like me ! You really like me!" And yes we do really like our favorite blogs...like yours. :)

  9. Suzanne - Believe me the honor is mine also, I am fortunate to have so many truly lovely blogs to chose from.

  10. missknits - It is alway good when somebody recognizes one's work and I can honestly say it is a joy to be able to shine that spotlight on bloggers like you who are so very deserving. I look forward to viewing the choices that you decide upon...and know it won't be an easy choice to make.

  11. How awesome. With the holidays I've been away from the computer a bit so a nice surprise to come back too :)

  12. Thanks so much for including me among the 15 blogs. I can't image how difficult it was. It was a pleasant surprise. I really appreciate it once again :)

  13. 15? Oh my, that's a tall order. Good job!

  14. Im so thankful for my award! Thanks so much.


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