Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Return to Norm...Hot and Humid

above photo: yellow wildflowers in our wetland area.

Sunday May 31st. Tomorrow, the 1st of June, the start of hurricane season. Time for Floridians to stock our pantries with canned goods and non-perishables; make sure there's an ample amount of emergency candles, first aid necessities, plywood for the windows. If we happen to have hurricane shutters, then we have to be on the ready to batten them down at the first issue of a hurricane warning.

The first of June also marks a time when the Florida year 'rounders breath a sigh of relief. Our snowbirds have gone back up to their northern homes and the traffic winds down a smidgen. Our favorite restaurants become more accessible, gone is the customary hour long wait and little need for making reservations days in advance. Quite suddenly the Florida atmosphere returns to that of the laid back, slow moving, carefree tropics...of course that might be due to the summer heat and high humidity !

I have a number of photos on my camera memory card awaiting their turn at download and editing...but not today...manana for sure...or maybe the day after that...or...whenever !

Today I want to share a few joys that I discovered back in spring, when our wetland area was in bloom, have no idea what the plants are but their blossoms are lovely...if anyone should know please make a comment and let me know too. I noticed we had two varieties, a brilliant yellow and a lovely, flaming orange.

I managed, quite accidentally as I am not a seasoned about as green-horn a novice as can be found...through some stroke of luck to achieve a wonderful close up of the flaming orange wildflower. In it's midst is a dainty surprise, can you find it ?

It was only after downloading the photo and viewing it on my monitor that I noticed the wee little orange ladybug beetle nestled in among the flowers. I could not have captured this shot had I been trying.


  1. I love it when you get a lucky totally pro shot!

  2. That's a great shot of the ladybug. I too love taking pictures of flowers and plants and caught bees. But my picture wasn't as nice as yours.

  3. Renee[Q][C] and The Beading Gem ... Wish I could take a bow, but it was nothing more than just dumb luck ! :)


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