Friday, June 5, 2009

Shut up !...Another Award ?

Can't believe it! Another Wonderful Award...have the gods of blogs smiled down upon me? What an honor !

Recreational Art has chosen my blog as one of her favorites. She has received the "Kreativ Blogger Award" and is bestowing the honor on to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Recreational Art is living in the beautiful and very historic city of St. Augustine, Florida and has lived in Rome, Italy (the city of the arts) for 13 lucky, I am so envious. We both share a passion for salvaging worn, tired or defunct objects and like the challenge of transforming them from trash to treasure, however she's far more adapt at it than I am.
Recreational Art has a lovely etsy shop filled with her creative art, all hand made with love. Check out her etsy shop at RecreationalArt and have a look at her own award winning Blog .

Here are the rules of the award:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. List seven things you love.
4. List seven blogs you love.
5. Leave a message for your nominees letting them know that they're recipients of this award.

7 things I could easily list 70 things...but okay let's see :

1. I love the sound of a baby's laughter.
2. I love the smell of fresh mountain air tinged with the fragrance of pine, fir or spruce.
3. I love a crackling fire on a cold, rainy day.
4. A mug of hot chocolate on a cold, rainy day.
5. A hug from any one of my grandchildren.
6. Chocolate chip cookies still warm from the oven.
7. Sunshine and daisy bouquets.

7 Blogs I love...this award is great 'cause now I can pick a few more of my favorite blogs...yippee !

1.Danger Kitten Bakes
Bounty of Beads
Again I thank Recreational Art and I hope you all take a moment to visit her blog and the 7 very lovely and very special blogs that I've chosen for this award.


  1. You truly deserve this award! Not only are your beaded items beautiful, but your blog itself is a pleasure to read and look at. Thanks for passing the award on to me--I feel so special and honored, especially coming from you. Can't wait to make my post about it. In the meantime, I'll be thinking about my sevens!

  2. I'm so with you for the hot chocolate on a rainy day...we don't get many of those out here in the desert, so it's always a treat.

  3. Congrats on the Award! You have a lovely blog - I really enjoy reading!

  4. DangerKittenBakes - Thank you for the compliment. I'm glad you won the cooking contest...I did vote for you, couldn't resist your winning recipe.

  5. SleightGirl - Guess it's a comfort thing. I don't get very many opportunities to indulge in hot chocolate and a crackling fire very often myself...South Florida very rarely gets that cold in the winter...but California did! :)

  6. Bellissima Thank you so much for the kind words...means a lot coming from a blogger whose blog I think is devine.

  7. Anna thanks so very much for this award! I am so honored to receive it :-) Generally speaking I do not pass anything on but this deserves passing because it is such a different concept, so I'll be posting this today with your link back. You are just too sweet!

  8. thank you so much for thinking of me! i'm very honored! you are too sweet!

  9. Julie - I think I am truly the one that is honored...honored to have such lovely blogs to view and to read. I chose you because I sincerely feel you and your blog are very creative and it was my honor to pass this award of creativeness on to one so creative as you. :)


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