Monday, June 8, 2009

UFO...Hadn't A Leg To Stand On

When I first envisioned the conversion of the UFO cabinet (Upper 'frigerator Overhead cabinets ?) into a coffee or cocktail table, I pictured it with chunky bun feet. John and I were able to locate some bun feet but at $25 each (not including shipping and handling charges) it seemed rather pricey. Fortunately John found a website that had simple "apple" feet at $5 each (again not including S&H charges) Well that was certainly a no brainer, $25 plus S&H for just one foot or four feet for $20 plus S&H. Hard decision to make ? Not really !

above photos: deciding on the placement.
below : all four feet installed...looking good !

Yes! At last progress is being made and the strange UFO in our home is starting to look more and more like a piece of furniture...or at least more like something one would find in front of the family room sofa.

above photo shows the ample storage room, a perfect retreat for all my clutter !

The next phase will be to cover the white melamine top with a sheet of thin plywood. Hope John studies that Adhesive Technology manual. Ah well, at lest we can no longer say that our UFO hasn't a leg to stand on. ; )


  1. very clever! Love the title. It sure turned out nice.
    Signal Hill has so many new houses & townhomes. I'll search out St. Louis St.

  2. It is looking very cool. I am a little jealous, I could totally use an awesome UFO table =)

  3. Love this innovation! The feet are perfect and definitely a great price compared to the bun style (ouch!). Can't wait to see the ply go on.

  4. So far so good ! I'm not sure just how we're going to finish it. I'd love to do a wood stain and then maybe a glaze but the old doors might make that too difficult to achieve. Guess we'll just take it one step at a time and keep our fingers crossed. ;)

  5. You could always do a faux grain with a gel stain. I faux as my other job (yes I am insane lol) and could give you some tricks we use if you like, let me know :) No matter what you do though it will be awesome :)

    My big secret -- I can only keep up with 2 blogs because I work from home as a writer. Otherwise I would be in that proverbial sinking ship haha

  6. I like the bun feet... very cute! ;)

  7. Jenn - Thank you for your offer of advice and tips, I appreciate it and think that is so kind and sweet of you. I may just take you up on it. Right now I haven't decided how I want to finish the table. Though the plywood skins look okay in their photos they have a lot of grooves, gouges and holes that will require filling...not to mention the very unsightly layered edges that show where each piece was cut. With a quarter inch sheet of ply it is almost impossible to cut a beveled edge that can be mitered, so John just made straight cuts. I'll check out the home improvement stores and try to get some ideas and let you know what I decide. Thanks again you're a real sweetie :)

  8. I like the workshop where the table was put together! Nice work getting it into the house though. I have a question about the Kreativ Award (I know, I've been slow posting it, but I thank you so much; it's truly an honor). Do I pass it onto the 7 blogs that I list or just to 1?
    Thank you!

  9. John will be happy to hear the compliment regarding his workshop. :)
    In answer to your question, yes you pass the Kreativ Blog Award on to 7 other blogs that you like and feel are creative.

  10. I really enjoyed these fotos.O mobile was very good. My husband is also doing a closet to kitchen.


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