Wednesday, July 22, 2009


There are new puppies in our family !
Soft and warm, sweet and cuddly, how can one not resist an adorable pudgy puppy to hold ?
Caz, our daughter's female beagle, had her first litter of pups about 3 weeks ago. It was also the first litter of puppies that the grandchildren had seen so you can scarcely imagine the excitement their home contained.

In these photos the pups are almost 3 weeks old and their eyes have just opened.

Of course they are precious beyond words and the grandchildren would love to keep all 4 of them, their mother however has other ideas. Since they already have a household of 4 dogs and 5 cats keeping this litter is not an option...but I have a feeling that the children's pleas and begs will eventually net them one of these beautiful babies.


  1. How precious!!! My husband loves Beagles.
    We just purchased a Dachshund puppy.
    They are so much fun.

  2. They are so cute... I just want to hold them all. ;)

  3. Aw, they are totally adorable :-) Congratulations!

  4. They are adorable!!! I want to hug them through the monitor :) I love the new blog layout and was excited to see my little snippet in your sidebar. Thanks!

  5. OMG! They're so cute I could puke... and I mean that in totally the best way.

    These pics make me miss having a little pup -- ours is getting to be quite a beast!

  6. Awww, I love puppies! There's just something about the way they love and kiss everyone. I actually get to play with ups quite often as I have a friend that raises labs and goldens. Each one of them gets a custom puppy album made by me.


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