Friday, August 7, 2009

Fractured, Photoless Friday

For 2 years now I've been fidgeting with our TV, seems every few months the reception goes wonky and certain stations start to break up. It usually starts off with slight pixelations and a few minutes later the whole screen looks like an electronic jigsaw puzzle. Shortly afterwards the sound begins to cut out. Interesting effect though very difficult to understand what's being said, but since I can't tell what the picture is anyway guess it doesn't matter. Have called out the cable company a couple of times over this issue, the latest being this past week. A qualified technician came out, checked things over and said our signal was so low he was surprised we were able to receive any picture at all. Strange that when the cable was installed no one else was able to see this apparently glaring flaw. Guess I expect too much.
The cable tech said we needed some type of booster but naturally he didn't have one with him so had to schedule another appointment, which was sometime Thursday. Odd how they can never tell you exactly when they'll be out. Oh sometime between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., unless something happens and then we'll call and reschedule for another day.

addendum: Cable tech showed up Thursday, late morning at just the precise same instance that the skies decided to burst forth a torrential down pour, emphatically accentuated by crashes of nearby thunder. He called us on his cell phone and said he'd return later in the day. Today is now Friday and still no call from him !

Talk about calls. I had to schedule a bone density scan, hadn't had one in years. The first radiology lab that was on our insurance provider's approved list, was no longer available. They had merged with another health care facility which was not on the "approved" list. Okay scratch that one.
Called the next one on the list and, well they didn't do bone density scans but they had another location that did.
Third phone call, yes they did bone density scans, were on the approved list but they needed to know "why" my doctor wanted me to have a bone scan. Uh gee, I just thought this was common preventative medicine ? Didn't realize I had to have a specific reason or aliment to have this done. "Okay" the girl on the other end of the phone intones dubiously, "let's give your doctor a call." I'm beginning to feel they think I'm some sort of creep who just wants to go into clinics to have my bones scanned for the fun of it, then realize maybe this is why I haven't had a scan done in all these years !

Granddaughter's birthday is coming up. Our little Haley is not your typical Barbie doll baby and I can't even imagine her playing with something like My Pink Pony. She has a strong tomboy streak in her, loves race cars, would prefer to play with her brother's toys and can't get enough of baseball. She is on a little league softball team and is quite an exceptional player. Think the best present would be a gift card to one of her favorite stores...Target !

Also want to get over to my own house of worship this week, say a few prayers and hope that maybe He will take mercy upon me and guide a few customers to my Etsy or Artfire shops...yeah a sale or two would really be nice. Dream on ! You would think that after this amount of time and my life's experiences I would have learned to appreciate and understand the meaning of the phrase; "Starving Artist" ! Well a prayer or two certainly can't hurt, in my case maybe I should do the whole rosary?

addendum: Went to my church of choice to meditate and offer up prayers. The church is closed on Fridays for the summer. Hmmm, wonder what the Lord thinks about that ?

You may recall my UFO, coffee table project. It is still a work in progress...or is that process? Yes there has been some procrastination on my part. I can't say as I detest painting, painting is fine, it's all the prep work I lose patience with. The sanding, the taping, the constant clean up of everything within ten feet of me, the clean up of brushes, rollers, trays and, ultimately, myself. In all honesty I almost had it finished. Had decided to do a porcelain crackle finish on the top of the table, seemed an easy enough project. I even took the time to study several books on the procedure and talked with a number of employees that worked in the paint department of Lowe's and Home Depot. Thought I had followed every step, every little nuance of creating a crackle finish but the crackle didn't crackle ! Guess what ? Eggshell finish is not acceptable, you need a satin finish base coat or your crackle won't crack ! What next ?
Valspar's hot line told me to lightly sand the crackle glaze finish and put down a coat of satin paint and then go ahead with the crackling steps. I'll get back with you on that one, as soon as I :
  1. Get a can of satin finish paint (color: New Penny)
  2. A new foam roller
  3. Another roll of painter's tape
  4. Sand down the crackle finish
  5. Remove all dust with a tack cloth 6. Tape off edges ..................

Hubby just informed me that the laundry basket is starting to overflow. Subtle hint that he is getting low on basics, like under shorts. Hopefully today I can throw a load into the wash, otherwise he will be going commando this week end.

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