Sunday, August 9, 2009

My 2 Cents...

Photo above: One of my new pieces in my Artfire shop.

Realize this is going to be a little different but I received an inquiry in my last post from a blogger whose pseudonym is Melvin (a blog about Muchois a purebred Himalayan cat born with primordial dwarfism). Melvin asked:

How do you like ArtFire, so far? I just recently made my way over there and haven't been too sure of it, although the Etsy fees are starting to push me away so I had to try it.

(In a previous post I wrote about my opening a new ARTFIRE shop ) At first I was going to reply under the post comments but decided the question is one of general interest, one I would myself be intrigued with. So I've decided to post my reply here:

As you know, Artfire has 2 accounts; a basic which is free ( doesn't have all the bells and whistles), and a verified which cost $12 a month. I think the basic could be successful if one has all the outside networking in place such as twitter, facebook, myspace, flickr, etc.

Like everything on the web one needs to make outside contacts or pay for advertisement to let people know you're there. This has been my biggest problem. I'm not very adept at social networking sites and seem to end up with a following of spammers trying to sell me their stuff while they have no interest in mine. LOL

But yes I agree 100% about etsy fees. The 20 cent listing fees sounds so cheap but then they encourage you to list and keep relisting so people will see your items and that adds up. Then when something sells etsy collects their commission and if you use PayPal it gets its 30 cents plus their commission. In a short time these "little" fees really add up.
I'd say give Artfire a chance, get the word out on your blogs and any other networking you have. All you have to lose is a bit of your time...shouldn't even have to take new photos for awhile as you'd have them already on file from your etsy shop. Good luck and please keep me posted as to how it eventually works out for you...I'll do likewise.

While I'm at it, I'd like to say a word to CaliforniaBlue.

I am extremely happy to hear how pleased you are with your purchase of the precious fine silver rose charms from my etsy shop, AlmostPrecious. They are one of my favorite items, as you well know.

You have done a fantastic job of creating a lovely pair of earrings with them and I can't tell you how much I appreciate your sharing pictures of the finished project with me. Both the necklace and the earrings are beautiful. I especially liked the way you used the modern gunmetal finished chain along with the fine silver and crystal, it brought everything together in a very up to date way. A very chic, hip, and fashionable accessory.
above photo shows the lovely salvaged treasure that CaliforniaBlue used to create a truly unique modern piece of jewelry.

California, I also love the fact that you used a salvaged treasure, by taking an older, outdated piece of jewelry and repurposing its components, bringing it into the 21st century. I know of several jewelry artists that frequent thrift shops and second hand consignment shops in search of such usable treasures. Quite often one can make fantastic discoveries in such quaint little shops, find components and beads that are truly one of a kind and unique. I applaud you for your creativity and resourcefulness.

Hope this, my two cents worth, has been of interest to both Melvin and CaliforniaBlue and most hopefully to all my precious blog friends and visitors. May your days be blessed with lots of sunshine, beautiful flowers, wonderful friends and very happy times.


  1. i've recently learned of artfire and was interested in your feedback. i have a shop on etsy (found you thru the "sunday blog" thread in the promo forum) and am considering expanding my venues. thank you for the information.
    and your blessing? delightful. i wish you the same. :)

  2. Thank you so much for answering my question so quickly! I'll have to give it a try. I'm just always so weary to get away from something I know so well and has worked, but if I think about it, all of my sales have come from my blog, anyways, so I guess it's worth a shot!

  3. Cindi - thank you so much for visiting my blog. I sincerely appreciate your comment, thanks.

    MELVIN -
    I encourage you to also keep your etsy shop , or at least for the time being. Having the 2 shops allows for greater internet exposure and better search engine results. Anything you've posted on etsy has its listing fee already paid and will be visible online until the 4 month list time has might as well take advantage of that. We are coming into the fall season and many feel that sales will start up again. You could very well get some etsy sales along with artfire sales and that would be a very good thing (quoting Martha Steward). I would think that maintaining both shops would not be too difficult as you could use the same photos at each store and write up one description to copy and paste into each listing. Again I wish you good fortune and please do keep me posted as to your progress.

  4. Thanks for posting your feelings on Artfire... I was thinking about it for a little bit... still a bit on the fenc just due to time, but good to get thoughts on it! ;)

  5. I have been pondering on whether to open an account on Artfire as well.

    I spend at least $12.00 per month on etsy. I may have to venture over and do that. Thanks for the info!

  6. Cabin+Cub and ChristieCottage
    The nice thing about Artfire is that you can start with the basic free package. Yes basic limits you to only 12 items, but think of it as a trial sample, if you like it then you can upgrade. If you don't like it you still have your etsy shop. I guess I'm always the cautious one, don't want to burn any bridges 'cause I just might need to cross back over them. ,)
    Also the more sites you are linked to and the more WebPages you have the bigger your internet presence is and this calls you up in the search engines more readily...or at least that's the way I've heard it explained. =)

  7. Thank you so much for including my piece on your blog! I really appreciate your support, and I especially appreciate your shop!!! If I hadn't seen the small rose charms in your shop, I don't think the project would have happened :)

  8. CaliforniaBlue - It was my pleasure. =)


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