Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Last Days in Bend Oregon...

In the middle of Bend is a tall hill called "Pilot Butte", the top of this butte affords one a 360 degree panorama of all of Bend and its surrounding mountain ranges. An awe inspiring vista.

photos below...Used the zoom feature on my little camera to get a close up shot of the Cascade Mountain Range. Wish I knew all the names of the many peaks but the only one I know by name is Mt. Hood and I'm sorry to say I don't know it by sight. Bet you Oregonians know which one it is.

Photos below...Different view points in the 360 vista.

photo below...shows more of the city of Bend. Over the last 10 years this small high desert city has grown in leaps and bounds. Some of the growth good, some...well not so much !

Photo below...This large Juniper tree grows at the top of Pilot Butte, it has obviously seen better days but it is still impressive, plus I couldn't resist snapping a photo of my hubby as he waited patiently for me to finish taking pictures.

As I get this blog ready for posting I'm sitting in a hotel room in Denver, Colorado and it is COLD outside, or at least it feels cold to this tropical Florida gal. When we left Rock Springs (really Green River) Wyoming at almost 7:00 a.m. this morning, the temp outside was 27 degrees. My teeth are chattering just thinking about it.

Now I've got to pack stuff back into our suitcases as we head out tomorrow towards Witchita, Kansas. So I'll leave you with a few photos of vivid flowers that caught my eye on my last day in Bend, Oregon.

And the GRAND FINALE...my bouquet to all of you


  1. ooooo...look at all that sky! It looks like a wonderful trip.

  2. Wow! If I wasn't such a beach lover I would consider Bend to retire. Amazing views! I can smell how fresh the air is just looking at your photos. So, so, so very pretty!

    Oh & yeah, I come from Boston and believe me, in mid September 27 degrees is recoculously cold! Enjoy the rest of your journey!


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