Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ojai...Beautiful Ojai

Basically our flight from Florida to California was uneventful, no flight cancellations, we weren't bumped because of flight overbooking, no delayed flights. For the most part we were on schedule and on time, however by the time we reached Ojai, California it was after dark so no photos were taken that day. These following photos were taken the morning of Sept. 11th, on Camille's, my sister, farm.
Photo above and below...Views from second story of Camille's house overlooking her tangerine orchard. The California foothills and mountains grace the skyline in the background.
Photos below...More of Camille's tangerine orchard. The trees are presently laden with small green fruit that will ripen to a bright shiny orange later in the winter...a truly lovely sight to see.

Camille's home is a lovely Californian Mission style house, that fits in perfectly with the surrounding area.
Photo below...The mission style front door that welcomes one to Camille's home. A lemon tree and a pepper bush decorate the entrance way at the left of picture. I love this photo!
More orchard fills the front of Camille's farm. Photo below...One of the many fig trees that Camille planted.
Photo below...Marabout fig, origin Algeria.
Photo below...Pumpkin "Jack O' Lantern"...Halloween's is just around the corner.
Photo below...Small orchard of Sprite Cherry Plums.
photo below...The Sprite Cherry plums give way to a grove of Arctic Star Nectarine trees (the ones with thicker trunks).
Photo below...One of several squash vines, this one is a Golden Hubbard winter squash.
photo below...Pixie Tangerine tree with ripe try to imagine the whole tangerine grove laden with ripe fruit. An amazing vista !
Photo below...The loggia at the front of Camille's house is accented by a small Pendolino Olive tree. This particular olive is used for the making of olive oil . Someday, when Camille has the time, she wants to refinish the old patio, bistro table and chairs.

The Ojai Valley has long been a rich, fertile valley that nourishes many orchards from avocados to citrus and walnuts. With its mild climate, rolling foothills and surrounding mountains it has a decidedly Mediterranean feel. A true farmer's delight and gardener's heaven.

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