Sunday, September 20, 2009

A tiny mission at the end of the mission trail

Hello from Boise, Idaho !
The day has been long and tiring, amazing how tired one can get from sitting in a car all day long. We left Issaquah, Washington early this morning, around 8 a.m. and drove from Washington state through Oregon and now, after about 7 hours of driving ( between 75 and 80 mph), we are in Idaho...Boise to be exact. I will keep this short as I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Our stay in Navoto, California was a short one and we really didn't do a whole lot of sight seeing. I did get to have a lovely visit with my sister which was the primary purpose of our stopping in the San Francisco area.

Photos below are of the Mission San Francisco Solano in Sonoma, California. This is the last and finale mission on the California mission trail.

Photo below...Love the little pomegranate tree at the front of the mission.

Photo below...Front entry of mission church.

Photo below...another lovely old mission door.

Photo below...Mission's historic plaque.

Photos below...The historic City Hall of Sonoma California.

Photo below...The largest Eucalyptus tree I've ever seen. Had to get a shot with my sister and hubby next to it.

Forgive me for cutting this so short but as I said the day has been long and tiring and we have gone many miles since we first arrived in Los Angeles California. I hope to get the photos of Bend Oregon posted tomorrow but tomorrow is also going to be another 7 or 8 hour drive...this time from Boise to Rock Springs, Wyoming. Pardon me while I go crash into bed. zzzzzzz

1 comment:

  1. That tree is immense! They really do have room to grow 'em bigger in Cali huh? Gorgeous photos. I have to tell you, you are living my dream right now. To travel the country by car is something my husband & I have talked about doing for a long time. Some day, if I ever finish my book, maybe we'll go on a book tour or something. I'm totally looking you up if we make it to FL!!


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