Monday, October 5, 2009

Home Again...Jiggety Jig

To Market to market to buy a fat pig
Home again, home again, jiggety-jig !

Going away can be so much fun but getting back home again is always a mixed blessing. It's nice to be home and have all my stuff again, but there is just so much to catch up on. I've been busy for over a week now and keep feeling like I take one step forward and two back.
Started do some house cleaning and realized I needed to make more of my home made Soft Scrub and thought I'd share the simple recipe with those who may have never made it before.
It is easy to make and works wonderfully on sinks, tubs and shower stalls.
1/2 cup baking soda
2 Tbsp liquid dish washing detergent...or just enough to give consistency of cake frosting/icing
(I use Palmolive as I like the green color, but you could use any brand you like or even an antibacterial dish washing liquid if you prefer)
scant 1/4 tsp of essential oil such as tea tree, lavender, lemon, etc...this is optional and is mainly for fragrance

Thoroughly mix these ingredients together (fork works fine as does a small whisk) until baking soda is moistened throughout and is of the consistency of cake frosting.
I store mine in a plastic container with a snap on lid (Gladware storage containers) but an empty margarine tub, washed well with hot water and detergent works great too. To use just snap off lid, dab your sponge or cleaning rag into the creamy paste and clean away.
It's economical and eco friendly.


  1. my mom used to make something similar to this and i haven't thought about it in years! glad you're home and hope everything settles down soon!

  2. Interesting. I've never tried to make my own cleaning product and honestly I have a cleaning lady but it does seem like an economical and eco friendly way to clean.

  3. that is almost exactly what I use to clean my home with!!!!Except I will usually add just a dab of vodka(it shines up chrome and other metal fixtures like you wouldn't believe!)or at least some white vinegar for some extra scum-cutting power.
    hope you get caught up!

  4. Wow - what a great idea! I think I'll give it a try. Wondering if it works as well as that Vim cream stuff - which I of course forgot to buy today. Drats.

  5. Sometimes thing come around and we try them and then forget about about them...until they come around again. Then it's nice to think; "Oh yes I remember that, or something similar. Think I'll give it a try again." :)

    EllaPhante - never tried putting vodka in it but have made it using a Tbsp. or 2 of vinegar. The first time I tried that I was having a mind out of body experience and added the vinegar straight to the baking soda...just like a 5th grade science volcano, erupting all over my counter top. LOL Learned to add the soap to the soda FIRST, then the vinegar. =D


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