Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Yesterday started out foggy...which is much like myself before I've had a cup of coffee or tea or a shower to wake me up !

Photo below...I really liked the way the bleeding heart flowers stood out against the soft gray of the foggy background. Like a promise of brighter times, of sunny days. True to its promise the sun did finally burn away the fog and the day turned quite lovely.

JUST A REMINDER TO ENTER MY GIVEAWAY...Go to the post below to find out more and see how you could win this lovely Brooch.

REMEMBER...you must be a follower to qualify for the giveaway drawing and you need to leave a comment and some way that I could reach you should you be the lucky winner.

GIVEAWAY ENDS when there are at least 20 separate entries or at the witching hour MIDNIGHT on Halloween, Oct. 31st.


  1. wow, your bleeding heart is blooming in late Oct? very cool

  2. Bridget - Yep! It's blooming quite nicely but then it is 91 degrees out on our patio at this moment...guess it's gonna be a very late fall for us down here in the deep south !

  3. what a gorgeous colour for a bleeding heart. You know I have never seen one like that. Is it specific to the south? I see you have quite a few comments in your giveaway that is awesome! Have a great afternoon, regards, T. :)

  4. Ooh I love bleeding hearts but ours only show in spring/early summer. Those are gorgeous too, never seen two toned ones like that before.
    Good luck with the giveaway!! Hope you have a great, less foggy, week :-]

  5. I love bleeding heart flowers... i used to pick them off the plant when I was little. I don't think my mom appreciated that as much.

  6. T@PoppyPlace - Not sure if the white and red just do better in the tropics or if most people just prefer the pink or red ones. The first time I saw a white bleeding heart vine was in Trinidad, in the West Indies. I fell in love with it and have always wanted one of my own.

    Jenn - Everything I've read about these flowers states that they should die back in the fall. Guess it is just too hot down here for it to go dormant yet. Thanks for the good wishes, this is my first giveaway and I'm still learning the ropes.

    Cabin+Cub - Hee, hee, yes I bet your mom wasn't too pleased to have her flowers plucked from the vine. But children are children and flowers forgive them. I used to love popping the balloon like buds on fuchsia flowers, my mom would get so upset when I did that, guess she thought it would kill that plant. Oh well, that's why mothers get gray hair! LOL


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