Friday, November 13, 2009

Birds On The Bay

As some of you are aware, Wednesday's post was about a trip out to our local Longboat Key and to Moore's Stone Crab Restaurant where I had the pleasure and a rare opportunity to photograph a most willing bird model. The lovely Snowy Egret has definitely left a lasting impression upon me.

However there were other birds and other sights to see in the nearby vicinity and one of those sights includes the charming southern architecture of cracker style homes. For those unfamiliar a Cracker refers to a local Floridian, one who was born in this south Dixie peninsula. The term Cracker dates back to the days when Florida cowboys used long whips to herd cattle. The whips were frequently snapped making a loud noise much like a"crack" that split the air and commanded the attention of any stray. Hence the cowboys were called "Crackers" and now that terminology is used to mean someone born and raised in the state of Florida.

Most of Wednesday had been a gray, overcast day with spurts of showers, but occasionally the sun would break through and make a brief appearance.

Photo above...The view from Moore's Stone Crab Restaurant's small outdoor garden area overlooks the dock and the bay with its scattering of small islands. You may recall yesterday's blog about my Snowy Egret friend who was undecided as to if he wished to sit out here or elsewhere, he finally decided upon dockside dining.

Photo below...another view of this inviting area. Can imagine it would be quite lovely at night bathed in the warm glow of the strands of small lights and Tiki torches.

Photos below...Moore's dock area allows boaters to moor their vessels and come in for a bite of lunch or dinner. Guess it is also very popular with the sea birds, as there were a number of pelicans and gulls loitering around the docks.

Photo below...ahhh, a nice stretch !

Photos below...Rare encounter! A large osprey perched atop a dead native palm tree. He looks a bit disheveled but the wind was blowing pretty good and ruffled his feathers.

My camera memory card also holds photos of some of the islands peacock population but I think those will have to wait for another day. For the most part Wednesday was a marvelous day for being a bird watcher. NOTE: many of my photos can be click on to view in larger mode in my Picasa web-albums, once there you can also click the magnify icon to enlarge the photo further. To return to this blog, just click your Go Back/Return Button on your browser toolbar.


  1. Wow great shots! That light salmon colored house is like my dream home. It has a Victorian flair and the observation tower looking out over an ocean would be like a dream come true. How was your meal? I am drooling over here thinking of crab legs mmmmm lol.

  2. Jenn - I really like that house too. Unfortunately places like that one, out on one of the islands, are way out of my budget. :(

    And yes, the stone crab claws were perfectly delicious and also very guilt free as the crab fishermen take only one claw and toss the crab back into the ocean where they will regenerate the lost claw, much like a star fish can regrow a lost limb. Also it is against the law to trap stone crabs during their mating and egg laying season, so they are unavailable from the first of May until the first of November.


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