Wednesday, February 3, 2010

With Accolades to Each of You

Recently I was chosen for 2 Blog awards. The first was from Caryln of Chile Cats a delightful and truly insightful blog centering, not just on her life, family and crafts but on her rescue of feral cats. Caryln so graciously and generously bestowed me with the Lemonade Stand award given to bloggers who show great attitude and gratitude.

The next coveted medal of honor was presented to me by T @PoppyPlace of PoppyPlacePDX whose fabulous blog ranks high among many blog reader's list...including my own. Sweet T has bestowed upon me the lovely award of Kreative Blogger and for this I hug her. T, you have my sincerest gratitude.

I thank and bow humbly before these two grand bloggers, whom I feel are like friends to me. Though I relish this prestigious endowment, I with great trepidation must say I am honored, sincerely honored, but in complete honesty find the hardest part of accepting this award is the shear magnitude of trying to find a handful of marvelous blogs to pass the awards on to. All of the blogs I follow are very special to me and to have to bestow just a few and leave the rest would be blasphemous. So to Chile Cats and PoppyPlacePDX I thank you from the very depths of my heart for I can not begin to tell you how touched I am by this enormous compliment, and to all those beautiful bloggers that I follow, I give all my accolations. You are all without a doubt award material. Hip! hip! hurrah!! ... Hip! hip! hurrah!! to each and every one of you.
With love,


  1. Congratulations Anna! Two awards! Fabulous! You deserve them both!

    Thanks for the mention! *grins at you*

  2. Congrats to you! I have to say...I do love reading your blog :)

  3. Hello There and Thank you for following my blog. I am so happy you like it. I have been out of the blogging world for a few months but I am trying to get back into it again. I will be hosting a number of shop features with giveaways in the weeks to come. I am a follower of yours now and I am looking forward to reading your post.

    Thanks Again

  4. Congratulations!! So awesome! I know we all appreciate your blog contributions. :)

  5. congrats on the awards! i love the idea of a blog on the rescue of feral cats. one of my cats was a stray. ;)

  6. It's so sweet of you the turn the praise of you into praise of us!
    I'm so glad you are you and for sharing your memories on PVDP.

  7. And to you my friend! That is always the toughest part for me as well, passing them on to just a select few. You totally deserve both of these, enjoy your success & kudos *high five*


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