Thursday, April 15, 2010


Not that I couldn't think of anything to blog about today, I just couldn't think of anything interesting to blog about. This little tidbit however caught my attention and I'd like to share it with others, for whatever it's worth...2 cents or less.

John, my hubby, is a die hard bread eater. If the meal isn't served between slices of bread or between a bun, he requires it be served on the side. One of his favorite breads is a soft french baguette with sesame seeds. Our local supermarket doesn't carry it very often, I think it has to do with the fact that most of the sesame seeds tend to fall off the loaf before it's eaten.
Recently John return from a quick trip to our local Super Wal-Mart with an oddity. A baguette of french bread with EVERYTHING topping. No, I'm not kidding, that's exactly what the label says. I can't say that the topping is truly EVERYTHING, but it is sesame seeds, poppy seeds, onion pieces and lots of garlic.

Pretty good actually, but also a little messy as all the onion pieces stuck to my hands as I tried to slice the bread.
Are there any other bread fanciers out there and what kind is your favorite. Do you like plane white, wheat, rye, seeded, garlicked....what's your preference ?


  1. OMG, I am such a bread addict! Next only to chocolate and cheesecake, I can't live without bread. Forget the whole "no carb" dieting. I'd fail in less than 24 hours. How funny they call it "with everything" :) I think that looks positively delish...and I LOVE baguettes, but after eating that, I suspect you would need a LOT of dental floss! I adore whole wheat breads, especially fresh out of the bread maker, but I love a little sourdough every once and a while as a treat. Oh, and then there's Hawaiian sweet bread. MMMMM. OK, now I need to go out to WalMart and get some of that bread!

  2. Mmmm... fresh baked bread is the best! I love multi-grain, sourdough is pretty yummy...oh and baguettes are good... and then there are croissants... do they count. can you tell i like bread too?

  3. Your husband like my husband and many husbands out there are bread lovers!! he loves Italian, Baguette, Garlic Bread..the list goes on..he has the belly to prove love a good baguette, slice it, make my favorite pesto with garlic,olive oil etc.. and I could just sit and dip all day long. Thanks for sharing..great topic, Love it! and you say you had nothing to blog about???

  4. Oh that just looks so yummy :)

    I love "everything" bagels. But my fav. bread is the multi grain from a local bakers. I do not eat a lot of bread anymore because I am constantly on a diet :( (fat lot of good that is doing me (He! He!) Maybe if I ate more bread I would lose weight?!?!?!?! :) T.

  5. My kids love Walmart's "Everything Bagels" and yes.....they are messy! 2-3 teenagers, or more if friends are over, eating everything bagels makes for a mess! They are really good though.

  6. Aly - you are indeed a true bread aficionado, and thanks for reminding how wonderful fresh bread hot from the bread machine tastes...mmm I can almost smell it baking. Unfortunately my bread machine hasn't been used in so long it probably has a beard by now.

  7. Val - Fresh baked is truly my favorite too, wonder why bread and cookies warm from the oven taste so good ? And of course croissants count ! .... I dare anybody to say otherwise. :) Croissants with a dab of marmalade is one of my favorites breakfast eats with tea or coffee...or hot chocolate.

    LeShabbytique...Always - Oh the pesto , garlic and olive oil sounds sooo good. I think bread must be the number one comfort food.

    T - Grains are an important part of the basic food pyramid (it is still a pyramid isn't it or have they changed it to a rectangle or something?) so everything in moderation. Also whole grains and multi grains are supposed to be very good for you. There is that old controversy about carbs are bad but the other side of the coin says carbs are okay it's who ya gonna believe ?

    Julie - Hi and welcome to my blog. I will have to look for the "everything bagels" as they sound yummy. If they are anything like the bread is I can only imagine the crumbs that a house full of teens could create with Bagels with "Everything Topping". LOL Oh yes, but well worth the mess. :)

  8. I love all kinds of bread. For me it's not about sweets, it's about bread! MMMMMMMM. Great's worth more than 2 cents. :) Have a great day.

  9. I live in Germany, and i guess my country is known for good bread. I can't live without it. And have tons of favorites. One I have recently found at our local discounter is walnut and carrot bread. Sounds weird, but is great with cheese. And I love black bread. really heavy...... and so wet and yummy.

  10. This is too funny: I'm from PA and we have "everything bagels" up here ~ they have all of what you said. My husband and I went to Louisville, KY, and when we asked for everything bagels, the girl looked at us blankly, said, "Well, we have raisin and plain, and everything's over there," and she pointed over to the table that held the toaster, butter and jam! I guess the "everything" topping is more common up north? Sure is yummy!

  11. OMG I'm starving now...not only do I love bread I would have married it if my justice of the peace would have allowed me to haha. Asiago cheese, basic sourdough (warm with butter & strawberry jam = yum), scones, bagels (everything are my fave), french bread and even plain old glue-like Wonder bread all have a time & place in my life. Plus every other imaginable type of gluten filled or free grainy bit of starchy goodness out there...Ah yes, I know what I'll be having for lunch!

  12. Oh...I am going to have to try this husband loves bread and this would be a fun surprise for him; I usually just buy plain Italian or Baguette. Just so happens I will be going to Walmart tomorrow, so its on my list!


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