Friday, May 21, 2010


A year ago John, my darling hubby, gave me a lovely Easter lily simply to say Happy Easter. While it bloomed we both enjoyed it's sweet fragrance and stunning white trumpet shaped flowers. Once the flowers wilted, I sat it outdoors, watered it sporadically and eventually its leaves turned yellow and the plant died back. I dumped the soil from the pot thinking I would find a bulb of some type but nothing was apparent and I surmised that perhaps the bulb had shriveled and died also.

Early this spring, while pulling weeds from the front flower bed, I noticed a strange plant. It was oddly familiar and something told me it was not a weed so I let it be. I soon discovered it was 2 plants growing side-by-side.
Later, as the plants grew larger, I filled a pot with good potting soil and transplanted these "weeds-not-weeds" into the my curiosity needed to know exactly what they were. At the back of my mind I hoped they would be Easter lilies as they were growing in the same spot where I had dumped the soil from the old Easter lily pot. With time the plants produced nice fat, flower buds and low and behold...resurrection !!!


  1. What a lovely surprise for you and your husband for this spring! I like surprises like this--the unexpected are best. The lily is wonderfully beautiful. I'll be doing something similar in a few days--Is this a weed or a seed sprouting?!?!?! Beautiful!

  2. How lucky for you! I can never get them to come back. Too cold here I guess. I'm glad nature gave you a regift!

  3. WOW. They are so pretty! I'm amazed at how hardy they really are. Considering how brutal our summers are, I've seen neighbors plant theirs after Easter is over and they always seem to come back, even after getting fried over the summer. Are you going to replant them back in the ground?

  4. Cathyrn - Yes it was indeed a very lovely surprise.

    Kristen - This was the first one that has ever done this for me. Believe me I have tried with many, many...ah many, many, many Easter lilies in the past.

    Aly - Yes I think I'll keep them and see if they'll come back again next year. Of course they tend not to bloom at Easter when they are naturalized. I think I read that the growers force them somehow to bloom at Easter time. Wonder how they do that ? "Okay lily, if you don't bloom for Easter I'm going to sic this great huge caterpillar on you" ????

  5. Anna, that is just amazing. They are so pretty and what a wonderful surprise.

    Have a wonderful Weekend, T. :)

  6. Ooh they are so pretty! Nature will always find a way of course :-)

  7. pretty! what a nice surprise too! i have a plant on my patio that i thought had died over the winter.. but it's back! hooray! ;)


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