Thursday, July 29, 2010

Storm At Sunset...

It was early evening and the light in my craft room was waning. Earlier in the day I had closed the shutter louvers to help diminish the searing heat of the westerly afternoon sun. Now I went to open them to bring in more light, the spectacle that I saw outside actually caused me to utter aloud; "Oh Wow !"

Grabbing my little point and shoot camera I dashed outside and hoped upon hope that I would be able to capture the magnificence of the stormy sunset sky.
Photo above...Huge thunderheads dominate the sky, diffusing the golden glow of the setting sun.  These pictures were taken facing south, looking over the rooftop of our neighbor's house.
Photo below...Close-up of the billowing thunderheads.

Photos below...Stormy Sunset Sky facing west.  Taken in a series as the sun made its journey below the Earth's horizon.

So I have shared my evening with you and pray that you've enjoyed this glimpse of my stormy sunset as much as I enjoyed photographing it.


  1. Wow, you got some amazing pictures! For some reason, where our house is in relation to the setting sun rarely makes for interesting pictures. Either that or my camera sucks. Or...maybe I just stink at capturing those kind of pics. LOVE your cloud show :)

  2. Wow indeed! I am a total sky & weather junkie so your pictures just totally made my whole day. Gorgeous, nice capture!

  3. Hey cool post and blog too im going to follow please follow back

  4. Anna, these are absolutely gorgeous. I think I have photographer envy, LOL!

    I bet you were blown away by the beauty. I am scrolling down going "WOW" over and over. Love them. I feel like I am actually there. :) T.

  5. Whoa! How wonderful!!

    Uh oh, I think you missed your calling - not everyone can make photography look like art. Great job!


  6. These are truly beautiful photographs! I love that you were actually able to capture the few moments when the clouds are gorgeous without having them shift on you first. The contrast in the clouds on the last picture is particularly beautiful! What setting(s) did you have your camera on? What kind of camera do you use?

  7. What is truly special about these photos is that they are untouched in any way by photo editing. I was really "blown away" as I viewed them from my camera card on my pc monitor.

  8. Following you too Almost Precious. Those pictures of the storm are absolutely beautiful. Amazing that they are untouched. Great photos to submit and get recognized for such great photo work, I'd say. Loving your blog.

  9. What a gorgeous sky! Great blog, I am now following! Thank you for stopping by mine!


  10. Wow, what an amazing color for the sky! Lovely photographs.

  11. Very cool! Thanks for the comment on my blog, too! I'm following you now!

  12. Oh my. Wonderful photos. Very pretty.

  13. Very dramatic pictures! And also inspiring colors for design!

  14. Sorry i didnt elaborate much on your post but thanks so much for the long comment when blogging its great to see when people take an intrest in your blog instead of just promoting their own thanks so much! please stop by and comment on the latest post

  15. oh, how cool!! i miss this kind of weather -- we don't seem to get many thunderstorms out here at all. my dad and i used to enjoy watching those big puffy clouds expand, and guess how long before some monster storm would hit. it drove my mom nuts, but it was fun.:P

    thank you for your lovely comment on my post. it was so kind of you. :)

  16. wow beautiful pictures! Mother Nature has a way of giving us some beautiful nature shows that we won't soon forget. Awesome job on capturing these amazing shots!!! Gorgeous!



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