Thursday, October 14, 2010

Here's a Scary Thought ... SEO ... How to Optimize?

Have I got your attention ?

SEO has always been a mystery to me, seems that no matter what I do it doesn't change much.
Friends have told me how they've spent far too much trying to improve their websites visibility by hiring someone to optimize their site but ultimately found it to be a waste of money.

Not long ago my Creative Arts group had a guest speaker, an artist known for her mixed media art and for her woven textiles. Her presentation was interesting, especially when she came to the part of having an online website and how she utilized Search Engine Optimization during the busy gift buying season of the Fall Winter holidays. When questioned "How" she optimized her site, it was a let down to find out her husband worked for a company that specialized in designing websites and SEO enhancement. Basically she just handed it over to his company to help direct traffic to her web-pages. Must be nice if you have someone on the inside to help you but most of us don't.

 Searching for the answers?

I must admit that the mumbo-jumbo, techno talk of SEO intimidated me and there was a lot that went way over my head but recently I found a website that offers a free booklet that explains SEO in simple terminology. No techno babble, just clear English with a pinch of humor added for flavor. The booklet is called: "The Care And Feeding Of Search Engines" a simple guide to SEO. And yes, it is free, however that may be changing in the very near future as the website grows and accumulates more followers and more business. The thing that I liked best was there's no pressure for you to sign up for anything and you're not required to commit to anything.
Conrad Walton , the man who started this website, is a techie guru and he offers website design and also SEO services for those wishing it. His booklet is an accumulation of his own experiences and knowledge and, granted it is just the first rung on the SEO ladder, it does give a lot of insight and information about SEO.

Yep it's all about attitude !

One thing that I learned from reading his booklet is the true function of our Blog List. You know, it's that list of blogs most of us have along side our blog posts. I thought they were just there to say; "Hey these are some of my favorite blogs" and though that's true, the real purpose is to provide "links". Every blog that features your blog in their list or roll provides a link back to your own blog and these links are counted by the search engines; so the more links we have out there the higher our standing is with search engines. All in all it's a good thing to have a Blog List and even a better thing to be on other blog's Blog List. How about all those cute little button or badges that blogs ask you to take and put on your blog ? It's the same thing. It provides a link back to their blog and is free promotion. Maybe I was a bit dense that this had not dawned on me before, but it's nice to know ... better late than never !

If you care to check "The Care And Feeding Of Search Engines"  this post is filled with highlighted links that will take you there. Hope it will be as enlightening for you as it has been for me.


  1. It sounds very interesting-just don't you go changing! I've noticed that many of the blogs I was following for content have become giant ads. They review products and there is very little left of the personal blog I was attracted to. No more person "in there". God help me if that is turning professional. I get that people want to turn a little coin for their troubles but why should our blogs turn into virtual commercials? I'd rather hear about your kids poopy diaper than your review of the latest cleanser. Not you miss beader's blog..I just mean those other blogs out there.

  2. Anna, that is very interesting info. I will have to take a look. I am thinking about offering ad. space on my blog in forms of link buttons but not sure when or whether to do this, still thinking.

    Anyway, hope all goes well, have a lovely evening, T.:)

  3. Thanks so much for that info! Have a great day!

  4. Thanks for the website and information, I will have to take a look at that. I thought of selling ads too, but like you, I'm just not certain. I think maybe I'll wait a little while until I have a larger following. I don't do any ads on my page at this time, but do put my favorite sites on there.

  5. Great post - lots to think of about SEO, for sure.
    LOVE the kitties in their sunglasses. So cute!

  6. I read so many articles. But I am really impressed for this articles. I really one of the best for seo. Thanks for giving a best information.


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