Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Home For Christmas

Yesterday my daughter Wendi, the youngest of my girls, came in from New York to spend Christmas with us.  It is lovely to have her home and rarely does she stay for such an extended visit.  Basically I intend to enjoy her being here which may mean that I’ll have to neglect my blog.  Sometimes we have to prioritize and, in this case, the time with my daughter is limited and therefore of great importance to me. 

Believe me when I say to you, my handful of faithful readers, that you will be on my mind during my absence.  Until my next post I wish you all well, I wish you the many joys and blessings of the season regardless of your religious denomination , and I wish you peace and prosperity.


  1. Have a wonderful time with your daughter! And a very merry holidays. Thanks so much for this morning's chuckle - I had visions of DeBeers panicking if ever exoplanet mining were possible! Pearl

  2. I hope you have a joyous visit with your daughter. My son is due home from NYC next week, and I can't wait. It's been a year since I've seen him. I'm sure that's nothing to a him, but to Mom it's a long time! Happy Holidays!

  3. Enjoy her visit!!! How fun to have family visiting. Enjoy the Holidays!

  4. By all means, please do blow us off! That's wonderful you'll have the opportunity to spend some time with your daughter that you probably rarely see because of the geographic distance between you :-) Enjoy your holidays as well and look forward to catching up in the New Year my friend!! ♥

  5. Anna, what a joy to have Wendi home for such a long time :)

    I completely understand and I will be doing the same soon. One Son is home, one is arriving Sat.(hopefully if the snow holds off) and my daughter will be here on Thurs. for 12 days. Busy times with our families is rare and so important. Enjoy your lovely Family and we will see you in the New Year.

    Have a lovely Holiday Season, cheers, T. :)

  6. right back atcha. Enjoy your child. :)

  7. That's lovely! Have a very Merry Christmas with her. ^.^

  8. Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season! We are spending ours with family too (hooray for baby's first Christmas!).


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