Monday, May 2, 2011

May? Already?? ....Where did April go ?

I can't believe how much time has passed since my last post.  Wish I had a valid excuse but none comes to mind ... other than busy or forgetful!    Oh! and then there was the Royal Wedding that kept me totally preoccupied, couldn't pry myself away from the TV.  Kate was absolutely an angelic beauty, loved her gown. The couple seems to be deeply in love and, as everyone else, I wish them a long and happy life together.

As far as anything new, well the kitchen tile work is done and  I could not be happier with the results.

Photo above...Gives me something to look at while slaving over a hot stove.  :)
Photo below...The damaged drywall was repaired and now, with the new tile, this corner looks so much nicer.

Photo above...All my new space for the old coffee pot and ....
Photo below...and the single serve coffee brewer (the culprit that started this whole remodeling).

Sorry about the angle on this photo I was trying to avoid my shadow but it is still in the photo.  A good photographer I am NOT.  LOL   Oh well I'll just enjoy the wonderful photos of  others such as Aly at AlyGator's Everywhere, Annette of So Many Memories , Tash of Palos Verde Daily Photo  and dear, wonderful T at Poppy Place PDX.


  1. Wow that window tile looks awesome!! I would love something like that!

  2. Beautiful!!! Your mural looks lovely to look at that while cooking. I'd be dreaming of Tuscany for sure!! Must be nice to have the renovation all's always nice to see it take shape along the way.

    And I'm with you...can't believe it's May..April seemed to fly by.

    ps...I have a giveaway on my blog right now...make sure you pop over and enter!!

  3. Your new post, and I'm here again :) Nice kitchen.

  4. LOVE love love it! I definitely want to do this in my kitchen's just beautiful! In fact the whole kitchen is beautiful!

    Thank you for including me in such a talented group of ladies!

  5. I love that "photo" over the stove. Who knew they made tiles like that? You're way ahead of me --- at least you're blogging. Mine's withering on the vine!

  6. That tile centerpiece is a wonderful idea with the backless stove! Wish my kitchen looks as neat as yours!

    BTW, I also think the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge do stand a good chance of a long and happy marriage together.

  7. It's BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Love the tiles and the backsplash - it's amazing what one little coffee machine can do! LOL My backsplash is spray painted tile - it was green/black/silver/gold/white and looked like they had peeled it out of a 90 year old pizzaria...sigh...yours is waaay better.

  8. i totally know what you mean i thought just yesterday was the beginning of april, it's crazy! the kitchen looks great!

  9. Hey Anna, your kitchen is looking beautiful, I am so jealous of your tile work and the back splash, what a wonderful view to look at while you are cooking :)

    I actually love the way you shot your photo, I think we get too hung up on trying to get thing straight on that we miss the subtlety of the other shots. :)

    Yep, I was totally wrapped up in the Royal Wedding too, it was beyond my expectations, just amazing. I do think they will have a lovely life tog.

    Thank you so much for giving my photography work a shout out. I really am enjoying getting back out there after the long winter we have had and I have tons to share just from the past week of shooting :)

    Hope you are having a lovely Monday and thanks so much for all your comments, cheers, T. :)

  10. It's beautiful! I love the tile work! I'd love to have something like that in my (very boring) kitchen.


  11. In LOVE with your tile mural! I really must try my hand at creating a faux version of something like that, you've inspired me!

    The kitchen is just beautiful all spiffy and new :-) Kudos on taking some time off after its completion (from blogging I mean) to just realx and enjoy it!

  12. That truned out splendid! You have a perfect "window" to look at while cooking. (Thanks much for the linking me...I think you do much better than I with indoor and macro photography.)


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