Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Forget about Spring, it’s sprung right into summer and is a very warm 85 degrees outside, of course this is Florida, just south of Tampa/St. Pete, so this should be no surprise.

Had a colder, longer winter this year and our yard suffered from freeze damage.
Fairly sure that our tropical Wax Jambu didn’t make it as it is now little more than a twig with a few blackened leaves. However some of the plants that I thought were certainly dead have started to come back. John and I now have the daunting job of pruning away all the dead twigs and branches.
Above is our driveway planter with the freeze damaged Lantana, the small magnolia tree did very well through the freeze but probably could use a dose of fertilizer. Below one can see the promise of lush new growth beneath the gray, dry twigs. Just have lots of trimming to do...also need to tackle the weeds that are popping up in our crushed shell drive.


  1. What a bummer about the plants. Gardens can be a lot of work if you want to keep them looking nice. Living in Minnesota, it's easy to think you have it made in FL, as far as gardens go. Apparently not.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm off to check out your etsy shop. I love earrings...and I like your designs.

  2. ahh but look at all the room you have to plant! Lucky you! Your jewelry is beautiful - very talented!!

  3. Daisy, there are so many beautiful northern plants that can not be grown in southern Florida, guess it's too hot and too humid. Would love to be able to grow some bulbs such as the fragrant hyacinth, pretty tulips, noble iris, gorgeous glads and the rose like peony. Have tried to grow fuchsias, which I love dearly, but was unsuccessful.

    Frenchi3moi I used to live in Ventura, California...fuchsia loved the seaside climate there...there was even a bird of paradise farm up on one of the coastal foothills. I often think about So. Cal and miss all of the variety that it has to offer, from ocean beaches, to foothills, high mountains to dessert.

    I am drawn to blogs that feature lovely photography (I struggle with taking just a mediocre shot) and truly enjoy the superb photos on both Daisy's and Frenchi's blog sites.

  4. we love your blog & jewels..
    very pretty...
    can't wait to get some seeds in the ground..
    mona & the girls

  5. I live in Texas and my lantana got singed by the frost, but then I trimmed it back and once it warmed up a little and we got some rain, new shoots popped right up and they look like new.


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