Saturday, April 4, 2009

My VERY First Etsy Treasury

Been busy most of the day with Etsy Treasury. For some unexplained reason good luck smiled upon me this morning. As I sipped my cup of hot tea I decided to check on the Etsy treasury just to see if it might be somewhere below 450. To my surprise it registered 335. The magic number is when it drops just below 333. For a moment I sat dumbfounded and then realized I wasn't yet signed in to my Etsy account. In a complete state of panic I signed in dreading the reality that those few precious seconds could well cost me a chance at a treasury. Dumb luck strikes again and my connections seem to be working quickly, efficiently and in the flick of a dog's tail I was signed in and back on the treasury page...count now 334...checked to see the expiration times on the last items...3 seconds and 23 seconds...quickly scrolled down to the bottom of the page and waited like a leopard about to pounce on its prey...BOX APPEARS...CLICK...I have a treasury space...hallelujah, sound the horns, blow the trumpets...I'm in! I'm in! I'm in !

So the rest of my day has been putting my treasury together, discussed my first treasury and the lovely first treasuries of a number of other very special etsians (was a pleasure to hear from them, and they are all so gifted), then contacted all the talented etsians whose items I had borrowed to place into my treasury...all this took much more time than I imagined it would...but anymore it seems everything takes more time than I imagine it will !

Afterward I spent a good hour or so trying to figure out how to get pictures of my treasury to post on this blog but, no matter what I did, I just could not figure it out. Went to Thumbalizr but seems they are set up for the more savvy than I, as there was no detailed explanations or step by step instructions that would take me by the hand and lead me though it. So until and if I can figure out how to do this I will just post this link so that you can see all the truly lovely items that caught my eye and my heart :
Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


  1. Your jewelry is lovely!

    Thanks for visiting Bella Vista. I live in Florida also....Orlando.

    So nice to meet you!


  2. Barb - How lovely to know you also live in Florida. It is such a pleasure to hear from you and I appreciate your visiting my little blog. I absolutely love your blog Bella Vista (Beautiful View), it is just gorgeous, lovely photos and so many very pretty items and decor.

  3. I love the colors in your Treasury. I hounded the Treasury one day and was lucky enough to get one. I was so excited. Great job!!

  4. Congratulations!! I hope it all goes just the way you invision it!

  5. The are cute!


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