Saturday, September 26, 2009

Crossing the Continental Divide...

Road trips can be a fascinating source of knowledge, almost every area has its very own piece of history, landmark or glorious landscape to offer the adventurous traveler. The Lake Bonneville signage, is an example of such...this photo was taken at a rest area on Interstate 84, near Idaho's southern border. Many of my photos were taken at rest stops as there were very few specially designated View Points or Scenic Turn Out areas that one could stop at. It would have be impossible to stop and marvel at each of nature's splendors or pull off to stare in awe at every wonder that we passed on route.

Photo above...Learned a great deal on this trip.

Though I had heard of the Bonneville salt flats and knew of the Great Salt Lake in Salt Lake City Utah the archaeological history had been a blank to me. One of the reasons we stopped at this particular rest area was that I longed to get a snapshot of a beautifully colored desert hillside, unfortunately this rest area was surrounded by a thick grove of Juniper trees and the desired hillside was obscured from view and the lens of my camera. Had we more time, and my hubby more patience, I would have hiked out the quarter mile to clear the Juniper trees and get a clear shot of the colorfully straited hills that adorned the horizon.

Even though I was not able to photograph that very special hillside, I was fortunate that my hubby had made reservations at a hotel in Green River, Wyoming. Green River has a plethora of straited hills and fantastic red rock outcroppings.

Photos below...Some of the many interesting rocky formations in Green River, Wyoming.

Photo below...These formations stand just behind the hotel where we spent the night.

Photo above...the huge formation directly behind and above our hotel has an unusual spout-like shape...reminded John and me of a teapot. Perhaps it is named "Teapot Rock" ? or "Tea Kettle Rock" ?

Photo above...close up of the teapot shaped formation.

Photo above... Since one side of the street shows the red in the rock (and the sun is to my back)

while the other photograph, Photo Below, is more brown (with the sun to the right of my camera)
I think the difference in coloration is due to the position of the light source. Or at least that's my theory and I'm sticking to it, lol ! The photo below was really much redder, like the rocks in the picture above.

At some time, during the next segment of our journey, we drove across The Continental Divide with an elevation of 7,000 ft. However I can't remember if this plateau came before or after our crossing the Divide. Next time I'll bring a notebook to help keep track of the names, sequence and pertinent points of interest.

Photo below...Beautiful Plateau !

3 photos above...a wonderful plateau in the high desert. Had to snap these shots focusing through one of the small holes in a chain link fence.

And then there was SNOW!

Wasn't long after reaching elevations over 8,000 ft. that we were greeted by an awesome sight, a snow covered landscape and snow capped mountains. Yes, we had to pull into the first rest stop we could find so I could grab my camera.

It felt like winter, the wind snapped at my face, my fingers were numb and my nose felt like an ice cube. But it was worth it just to get these photos.

Photos above...Amazing what a bit of elevation can do. Ice and snow everywhere and a foreboding dark gray sky.

Photo above...Wyoming...Snow covered mountain. This was truly a beautiful spot for a rest area.

Photo above...Close up of mountain...was able to get the auto out of the picture by using my zoom lens...not much I could do about the light posts, and since I was wearing Keds sneakers my feet would have been soaking wet and frozen had I gone traipsing off into the snow.


  1. Thanks for sharing these photos they are awesome!

  2. totally awesome photos, reminicient of the Red mesas we drove by ( for miles ) on the way to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, the subject of repeated dreams for weeks. hmmm. love the snow pics. thanks for sharing your trip.

  3. thanks for the visit and letting me know about about your supply shop ; ) Laura

  4. What fabulous photos. When I saw the snow, I went back and looked at the date on your post. Wow, I'm not ready for that yet but it looked so beautiful. Anyway, what an incredible trip you had and thanks for sharing it with us.

  5. Thank you all for your visit. I always love to hear from my comrade bloggers.
    I must say that one of the most memorable moments of our road trip was finding ourselves in a snowy wonderland and September was not yet over...a part of me wanted to make snow balls or even a snowman, but I really wasn't dressed for the cold, wet snow.

  6. I love road trips! I would love to drive across Canada and the US one of these days.

    That pic of the rock outcroppings remind me of the roadrunner and coyote cartoons.... I would love to see those in real life.


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