Monday, September 28, 2009

Toto...I Think You're Back in Kansas !

Photo above...Kansas prairie land, big sky country. Field of freshly mowed hay are scattered about in picturesque rolled bales.

The past couple of days have been busy with just trying to catch up: catch up on emails, snail mail, appointments, business, laundry and so on. It seems to be the rule that if you're away for a certain amount of time you will return to at least twice as many "things-to-do" when you return.

You may have noticed that I've not featured any photos of our trip through the state of Colorado. I have nothing against this lovely state, however our drive through it was met with dark and ominous skies and a great deal of rain, making photographs impossible to take. I feared we would have the same bad weather into Kansas but fortunately the gray clouds dispersed and we had a lovely day for Vada's funeral. Such a wonderful feeling to place her remains next to her beloved first husband, John's father.

The prairies of Kansas offered me an opportunity to witness big sky country, where as far as you can look in any direction you will see the horizon of the earth and above it a vast expanse of sky.

Photo below...High prairie lands offer wind blown vistas and a perfect spot for a Wind Farm.

My hubby, John, is a Kansas boy, born in Wichita. As we drove past miles of cornfields, acres of Sunflowers and fields of hay, I couldn't resist the temptation to say; "Oh Toto, I think you're back in Kansas !"

Photo below...Rolls of hay dot the freshly mowed fields, pretty enough for a painting.

Photo below...We've traveled a long way just to get here. The little cemetery in Ferdonia, Kansas, quaint,quiet and charming.

Photo below...Here, close to this attractive shade tree, our dear Vada's ashes will rest.

Photos below...Vada's urn of ashes will be place in the middle of her burial plot, below the granite headstone. Her beloved first husband, John E. Yoakum, is immediately next to her.

John has now fulfilled his promise that he would place his dear mother alongside his father. It has taken us 3 years to accomplish this, to remove Vada from her niche in the Deschutes Cemetery in Bend, Oregon and carry her across several states back to her homeland. By the anyone interested in a lovely niche for single or double cremation urns in the Chapel of the Deschutes Mausoleum ?

Photo below...Our task complete. Our prayers offered, respect and love given. Flowers now adorn their graves and we bid them fond adieu.

I haven't quite finished with my travel photos just yet, still have a few left to post and write about, but perhaps later this week. Until then, I thank each and every one of you for stopping by, I truly appreciate your visits and your comments. Blessings to you all.


  1. I know this was not an easy task, but I am glad you all accomplished it and were able to enjoy some pretty scenery along the way!

  2. What beautiful places! I would love to visit that lands some day ;)

  3. What great photos! I'm a Nebraska girl and we miss those broad horizons here in TN. We have some good friends whose last name is Yoakum. Small world:)

  4. It sounds like the entire trip was a success, relaxing, fun, somber and an adventure (not to mention probably a billion additional emotions too long for a comment!). What a difference in landscape this country provides. Beautiful shots, thanks for sharing the story!

  5. jacque4u2c - It was a long trip, but there was such a feeling of accomplishment to know we had finally brought Vada's ashes back to the family cemetery and her remains were no longer in a place among strangers. And yes we totally enjoyed the trip.

    SoftPencil - Someday you really should take a car trip and view places that you've never been to. It doesn't matter where you live in this world, there is so much to see, so much to learn.

    Dotty Jane - I had heard about "Big Sky" but never realize just how immense and over poweringly beautiful it can be .

    Jenn - I think you would be an ideal candidate for a cross country road trip. With your insight, and finesse with words you would soon have this whole country yearning to get in the car and travel those lovely highways and byways just as people used to do ages ago..."get your kicks on route 66" :)


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