Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mystery Thing...What is it ?

Just a hint of mystery...have you seen this "thing" in the photo above? If not, What do you think it could be ? Your Comments are truly most welcomed.

Please be sure to check back and find out what the big blue/green thing is all about.

If you know what it is, or where, then please come back and read about a really fantastic place. Right now I'm still in the process of writing about this fantasy spot and working on posting the photos.

Until then...What is it ? The "Swamp Thing" from 20,000 leagues under the bog ?


  1. It reminds me of LegoLand! :)

    Just read your posts from your trip, what amazing photos and so much accomplished :)

    Glad you were able to have a good trip and complete your commitment to your Mother in law.

    I was in Sonoma as well, just for a day but most of my trip was spent by the pool or wine tasting in Napa! :)

    You are right about the amount of stuff that needs doing once you get home! :( T.

  2. Wow, really funky. It looks like nothing I've ever seen before! Can't wait to find out what it is!


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