Friday, September 18, 2009

Return to Santa Barbara

photo above...the large carved wooden doors that open into the mission church. We were unable to go inside as there was a wedding in progress...perhaps my next trip out I'll be allowed to view the inside of this old historic church. We did however enjoy listening to the wedding vocalists sing a heavenly version of Ava Maria as we strolled about the interior courtyard gardens.

My last post was about the Queen of Missions...the Santa Barbara Mission. Unfortunately I only had time to write up a post regarding the outer grounds and exterior of the mission, this post will cover the lovely courtyard area.

Photo above...As we entered the mission courtyard we were greeted by incredibly tall palms. They seemed as though they were attempting to reach the heavens. I had to tilt the camera almost straight up to get a shot of their crown of palm frond.

Photos below are of the main courtyard with it's gardens and fountain.

Photo below...One of the covered walkways that circle the courtyard.

Photo below...A small cactus garden looks most appropriate against the old stone wall of the mission.

Photo below...One of my favorite shots. These steps must have led to a doorway at one time but the rows of potted cacti look enchanting lined up so neatly on the stone stairs.

Photo below...In another section within the walls of the mission is a small cemetery and at its center stands a large ficus tree.

Photo below...Large crucifix that reigns over the mission cemetery.

Photo below...Backside of one of the twin bell me it looks just as attractive from this side as it does from the main entrance.

Photo below...The cemetery plaque with a bit of the history of the old mission cemetery.

Anymore it seems my eye is drawn to every little thing, guess I've been bitten by the shutterbug as I seem to see photo opportunities everywhere I look. The photos below were taken at the front of the mission

Photos below...The old lavanderia (Laundry).

Glad I don't have to do laundry this way !

Photo below...Grand old Eucalyptus tree with mission style homes in background.

Photo below...And a grand old California Pepper tree that stand alongside the historic Lavanderia.

My next post will take us out of Southern California as we head North into the California wine country. Blogging and traveling has created a small time lapse problem for me as it is most difficult to keep up when my online time is kept to a minimum. So far my posts have been a couple of steps behind me.

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