Thursday, September 17, 2009

Santa Barbara Mission...Santa Barbara, California

Photo above...Scenic mountains of Santa Barbara, California. Just above the Santa Barbara Mission.

The one draw back with traveling is that it can be difficult to find Internet connections, especially while one is confined inside a moving vehicle. My little cannon camera has clicked away at a number of photographic sites but they remain on its memory card until I have sufficient time to label and post them. Guess what this all boils down to is that I am now in Bend, Oregon and still have pictures from California yet to blog about. Always a day late and a dollar short!

Photo below...Many of the homes in Southern California feature Spanish architecture. Here, in the area near the Mission, stands a cloister of mission style homes which seem to adapt well to the California landscape.

Photo below...The front of the historic Santa Barbara Mission with its interesting architectural details.

Photo below show close up of the detailing on mission pediment and the cross. The mission entrance is flanked by twin bell towers.

Photo below...another perspective of the front of the mission, this time sans tourist. Unfortunately we were not able to view the interior of the mission church as there was a wedding in process...lucky couple to have such a gorgeous place to have their wedding.

Photo below...Mission plaque stating some of the chronological history of the mission.

Photo below...Panoramic view of mission or as panoramic as my tiny camera can get.

Photo below...Santa Barbara hillside dotted with mission style homes and gardens, and an amazingly clear blue sky.

Photo below...One of the bed of roses in the mission park rose garden.

Photo below...Me and my hubby in front of the roses. Was surprised that I didn't break the camera, LOL.

Photos below...more of the rugged but beautiful California mountains.

I will have to post more later, but at this time we are about to leave to go to the cemetery and take care of John's mother's remains. Bye for now.


  1. I'm enjoying your vacation since I'm not having one right now. Santa Barbara looks beautiful! Having never been there, I'm curious about how how is it this time of year and whether September is a good time to visit. It couldn't be too hot with all those beautiful roses in bloom.

    Your Bend photos are eagerly awaited. I live in Oregon and have visited Bend. It's an area of Oregon that is closer in climate to California, being dryer than it is here in Portland and other rainier parts of the state. Hope you enjoy your time there.

  2. Sharon -
    Thank you for visiting my blog, I feel that since I've been away on vacation my blog is all but forgot by those who used to come aroung and post a comment every now and then.
    As to your question; Santa Barbara is a lovely California coastal city. Its climate is fairly mild throughout the year due to the influence of the Pacific Ocean. In the summer it can get warm but not as hot as the interior cities such as Ojai, or even Bend also it isn't nearly as dry as those two cities are. I hope to visit your blog very soon.


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