Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Return To Yesteryear...Main Street Fredonia

These are my last photos of Fredonia, or at least for now. I hope that in the future John and I will return to place fresh flowers on his parent's graves and to offer them our love.

Photo below...I'm standing alongside the Gold Dust Hotel and taking a long shot down Ferdonia's main drag.
Photo below...The main street local hardware store...every town had one.
Photos below...adjacent to the hardware store is "The Back Porch", a gift basket and gift shop.
Photo below...panning down this row of old shops, once the active hub of a vibrant town.
Photo below...The local Drug Store fills in the prominent spot near the center of this city block.
Photo below...close up...I noticed a young mother and her baby exiting one of the quaint shops.
Photo below...Empty now, but once it was the Madison Street Mall, wonder what merchandise it used to sell ?
Photo below...these two lovely old buildings intrigued me, such architectural details, how beautiful they would be restored to their former splendor.
Photo above...the old red brick building is now a thrift shop, think the white building is a barber shop.
Photo below...close up of detailing on the tops of these fine brick ladies.
Photo below...I took this shot standing part way in the street looking down the avenue to my left, just past the two building in the previous photos.
Photo below...Now I'm aiming to my right showing the row of shopfronts that flank this avenue and that face the park and its band stand.

Photo above...Here you see the glorious band stand and the row of shopfronts across from it.
In warm summer evenings of days gone by, were these shops open and brightly lighted ? Was there a band playing in the park as the town's folk strolled about, talked and wandered into the little shops. Were there children laughing and playing tag or hide-and-seek in the park? One can only guess what it was like here long ago in yesteryear.


  1. I love visiting old towns - the architecture, the small ma and pa shops, and the people make it such an adventure. I hope all these small town across N. America can sustain themselves and thrive again like they once did.

  2. All I can say is, cool! Amazing architecture, it is nice to see a bunch of cars in front of shops and stuff. Of course the streets do seem a little bare. Was it as quiet as it looks? Great pictures, so happy you shared this part of your journey, it was nice learning about Fredonia!

  3. I love main streets. So much more interesting than a mall. This reminds me of the town where we shopped when I was a kid in Nebraska.


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