Monday, October 12, 2009

Fredonia, Trip Back In Time

Fredonia: small town just over 80 miles east of Wichita, Kansas, population 2,600.
If one dreams of an idyllic, quaint suburbia away from the maddening crowd, one with a dash of historic charm and a pinch of nostalgic atmosphere, Fredonia could well fulfill that dream.

Photo below...close up of the "Gold Dust Hotel" sign. This piece of red brick history sits proudly adjacent to Fredonia's main street.

Photos below...the Gold Dust Hotel

Photo above...Front of the Gold Dust Hotel

Photo below...Main Street side of the Gold Dust Hotel

Photo below...Close up of the fantastic detailing in the Gold Dust Hotel's red brick moulding.

Photo below...Across the street from this fine old building is a lush green park, a central green zone resplendent with the town's band stand or gazebo. Memories of times gone by and shades of the old TV show "Gilmore Girls".

Photo below...Dedication plaque on the red brick base of Fredonia's park band stand.

Coming soon...more of Fredonia's main street.


  1. It looks like it could be the set of a movie, Sweet Home Alabama or Forrest Gump or something is what it reminds me of. So cool!

    Any luck with paint colors yet?

  2. The Gold Dust Hotel must have had some interesting guests in days past. Great photos!

  3. Hoping you are feeling better after your flu shot!

    Loving reading about your adventures!

    It is amazing to me how many of these old towns exist! What stories they could tell. :)

    Regards, T.

  4. Jenn - It does almost seem surreal in this age of glass skyscrapers and super mega malls. Of course it isn't nearly as surreal as the piece you did about the abandoned town with the underground coal fires. That was amazing, hard to believe that those coal fires had been burning for 40 plus years !

    Sharon - If I had more time I would have (and really should have) gone in and talked with the proprietors of the old hotel. I'm sure they could have told me a lot of the fascinating stories of the hotel's past.

    T@PoppyPlace - I am feeling much better, thank you Teresa. My arm actually looks like a human arm now and if I ever have to have 2 shots at once I have learned to opt for a shot in each arm...keep them as far apart as possible.


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