Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lingering At The Lodge

Photo above...Taken from behind Linger Lodge, looking up the Braden river.

Today was a day to relax and wind down. John had a golf game, the first one in several weeks, which left me on my own and with time to do as I wished, at least for awhile. Not long ago I had my longer hair cut short and have found myself fighting with a few annoying wisps that appeared to have a will of their own, refusing to go into place. It had been my intention to return to the salon and have a slight nip and tuck done to these reluctant strays and since I would be out and about I wanted to drop into my local church and offer a few prayers of thankfulness for all that I've been blessed with. Afterward it would be home again to catch up on laundry and whatever else that screamed out to me, demanding attention.

I had barely returned home, threw a load of wet towels into the wash and was folding up clean laundry, that had overnighted in the drier, when my darling hubby returned from golf. Seemed like a very short game, it wasn't even lunch time yet. Well, as they say; "The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry". (from 18th-century poet, Robert Burns ; "The best laid plans o'mice an' men Gang aft a-gley." ... thankfully we no longer talk this way.)

Photo above...The back of Linger Lodge with its screened in, outside dining deck. The inside of this establishment could make a whole blog in itself with all its taxidermy bobcats, armadillos, rattlesnake skins and alligator hides

In the end it all worked out to my advantage as John treated me to lunch at The Linger Lodge camp ground and restaurant. Located on the Braden River, Linger Lodge is a quirky restaurant that has been around since about 1945, it has its history, its followers and a scenic view of the local river.

Photo above...Taken from behind Linger Lodge looking down the Braden River.

NOTE: In my last post, regarding my Blog Giveaway, I failed to mention when it would end and the drawing made. Rest assured that I do not intend to drag the giveaway out until I reach 200 followers, as that might take a very long time. I've had to skip the week of Nov. 26th as that is our thanksgiving and it will be a pretty hectic week for everyone. The deadline to enter will be on November 29th and the drawing will be held on November 30th. I will contact the person who wins the first draw to find out which pair of earrings they would like and then the 2nd pair will go to whoever's name comes up in the second draw.


  1. What a quaint restaurant. Just wanted you to know I added a link to your etsy shop on my shopping page. If you get a header, drop me a comment and I will be sure to use that pic as a click through link instead of just the shop name.

  2. man that makes me want to take a trip to a cottage!!

  3. BEAUTIFUL ATMOSPHERE. Ciao and have a nice week end!!!!!

  4. Peaceful and serene...of course the taxidermy might change my mind on that! :D


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