Sunday, November 22, 2009

And The Bands Played On

Photo above...Strike up the Band ! Southeast High School Marching Band.

It's Sunday and I'm tired. All of Saturday was spent standing as I had volunteered to meet and greet people at my Creative Arts Association's "Holiday Art Show". Granted it was a small show with less than 20 artists and crafters participating but the show had definitely been turned into an event with the participation of the local Lakewood Ranch Garden Club and several bands from our area's Southeast High School. Our ever lovely Jeanne Walker somehow managed to charm Southeast High into allowing their amazing bands to preform at our show and also to provide a fund raiser for the bands themselves. Yes I did say "Bands", Southeast started out by serenading our event with their unbelievable orchestra, then followed with their amazing Jazz Band and wrapped up with their awesome Marching Band. What a performance, I can not begin to tell you how totally awesome these young adults are. In addition to this extravaganza, our fantastic Diva of Charm, Jeanne, also finagled Starbuck's Coffee to act as one of our illustrious sponsors and provide complimentary coffee to all that attended.
Photo below...early morning set up of the Garden Club.

Photo above...Our Creative
Arts information booth with complimentary Starbuck's Coffee.
Photo Below...Setting up the Masseuse area...yes there were even free massages provided by a local message parlor.

As things outside were being placed into proper position, the artists inside were busy setting up their tables and displays.

Photo above and below...Jeanne Walker's display of her architectural art pieces.

Photo below...Pastels done by the talented Marie Gruber

photo below...Astounding woodwork by Jim O'Donnell

Photo below...the booth of another talented wood-crafter, Harry Bandish

Photo below...Janet Jarzyna's gorgeous jewelry booth

Photo below...stone sculpture by sculptress Bonnie Elkins

Photo below...And outside things are starting to happen, including the free massages.

Photo below...Southeast High School gets it's bake tent ready while their bands begin to warm up.

Photo below...People start coming , the band is playing and things are starting to swing.

Photo below...unfortunately this shot turned out fuzzy, guess I must have moved.

Photo below...Drums and more drums. Southeast High's drum corp.

All in all, a fantastic day. It felt like I greeted a thousand people, I know I gave directions at least 600 times on how to find the public restrooms !!! Today I am literally whupped, but very happy !


  1. WOW!!!! i wish I could of gone too! Looks like it was the perfect day for it!

  2. Jacque - Wish you could have been there too. It was a truly glorious day for an arts and crafts show and even more so with the music provided by such talented young musicians. The greatest part of it is that the bands all want to do it again at our next show and even the local Garden Club wants to return. So it looks like the Southeast High School fund raiser went very well as did the fund raiser for the garden club. I could not have asked for more. :)

  3. Events seem to do better with music playing. People congregate more, have more fun, and enjoy themselves. I noticed at our Farmers' Market when they have a band playing, they sell better.

    I wish I lived closer!

  4. You had me at Starbucks and marching band! (Former band geek here, and Starbucks is my fuel!) The pictures from the event look wonderful, I really need to scout out similar happenings here in my area!

  5. What a great event! I feel like my area is so arts and craft shows lacking. There is an artist's market in town but it's juried and really hard to get into if you sell jewlery :( I hope you stood in line for a massage or three!

  6. Wow, free Starbucks AND free massages? That's like a dream come true lol! Looks like it was the perfect day for it too, bright and sunny. Sounds like you had a great time!

    I never know what my wv is on your blog until after hitting post comment & then I'd have to edit to share it with you. So usually I just enjoy the ironic or funny happenstances on my own heehee

  7. looks like a fun event!! A marching band even?! Hope it went well! ;)


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