Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Rush of the Season is Winding Down

Now the rush of the season has died down, holiday lights are being removed from roof tops and the eaves of houses. Christmas trees, stripped of their ornaments and twinkling strands of multi colored lights, have been rejected and are tossed outside to await that special day when they will be collected and turned into mounds of rich sweet scented pine mulch. Meanwhile the year continues to wind its way to the very end, counting down the hours and the minutes until the New Year.

For us December has always been especially hectic as we have my birthday and our anniversary to celebrate along with all the typical hoopla that this month is famous for...the shopping, the wrapping, cards, letters, decorating, parties, dinners. A very hectic time indeed for most of us.

This year my dearest hubby bought me a lovely orchid plant for my birthday. I had seen it in the florist section and commented on how lovely it was but then thought nothing more about it. Later John went out and bought it, brought it home and surprised me with it. I just hope that I will be able to keep it alive and thriving as it is truly spectacular. If anyone has any suggestions or advice on its care and feeding please feel free to comment as I will certainly appreciate any help I can get to keep this beautiful plant alive and healthy.

Photos below...My Birthday Orchid !


  1. What a beautiful orchid! It is nice to see bright colors when I look outside and all I see is grey! I wish I could give you some advice on how to care for it, but I have no idea....hope you had a great birthday and anniversary. Happy New Year:)

  2. It's beautiful! My MIL gave us a beautiful orchid over a year ago for our anniversary but I couldn't keep it going past the year. It never bloomed again, I'm sorry to say. I wish you luck.

  3. Amazing flower!
    I have an orchid at home. It's 5 months that I have it and is still alive (I think :D).

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful December! What a jam packed month for you, must really fly by. Well now you have something lovely to remind you of the special month for a long time, I'm sure you'll manage keeping it alive and thriving no problem. Happy to hear you had a surprise visitor on Christmas, that's so nice :-) Have a great New Year!!

  5. Hope you had a very merry Christmas! Love the orchid... my parents are orchid collectors, and we got one for the holidays... will have to take pics too, so you can see.
    ps. happy birthday and anniversary too! .. and new year!

  6. I love orchids. They remind me of my dad. His family even has a hybrid breed named after the uncle who bred it :) Your gift is a beauty!

  7. Beautiful plant - orchids are almost surreal in color!

  8. Oh Anna, Happy Belated B.Day :) What an absolutely gorgeous plant :) I love the colour, so cheerful.

    Hope you had a wonderful Xmas, Anni, B.Day and visit with your daughter :)

    Have a wonderful day, regards, T. :)

  9. Karen - Thank you for your kind good wishes.

    Cathryn - I'm sorry to hear your orchid hasn't bloomed again for you. I have my fingers crossed that this one will do well, but I know they can be very fickle.

    Italo - You "think" it's still alive ? LOL You always make us smile

    Jenn - Yes Dec. flies by for most people older than 18, but in my case it travels at light speeds. Thanks too for the nice wishes.

    Cabin+Cub - Oh please do post a photo of your orchid I'd love to see it. Orchids come in so many forms and colors, they are truly amazing.

    AlyGatr - What a lovely way to remember your Dad. I'm really impressed that you have horticulturist in your family linage.

    Sweet Harvey - You're so right, orchids do come in some very strange and bold color combinations.

    T@PoppyPlace - My Christmas was lovely, hope yours was also. Enjoyed every moment my daughter was here just as I'm sure you relished every second of having your children home for the holidays. Thank you for your very sweet wishes.


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