Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fantastic Revelations...

Photo above...Wondrous little thank you cards from FrenchRevelation

I tend to be one of these people who seldom win anything, so it was a complete surprise when I saw the email that proclaimed me a winner in a blog giveaway. Could it really be ? Did they make some mistake? Me? Really? Really... me ?

Photo above...One of my lovely prizes, 8 little cut-out mini note cards from FrenchRevelation

As it turns out Lady Luck finally smiled my way and I found I had won my choice of not one but 2 items from FrenchRevelation . FrenchRevelation has incredible handcrafted cards, note cards and tags, it was a hard decision to make with so many lovely things to choose from. After what seemed like a very long time of flipping from page to page and clicking on item after item and back again, I decided upon some absolutely adorable mini note cards.

Photo above...I adore the sweet little cut outs and the lovely color of these note cards.
Photo below...My second prize is this marvelous set of mini thank you cards. I think anybody receiving one of these little "Thank Yous" will feel very special indeed.

Thank you FrenchRevelation I am really ecstatic about my lovely prizes. There are many more beautiful cards , lovely note cards and pretty gift tags at FrenchRevelation I encourage you to please click on one of the many links in this post and check out this extraordinary handcrafted card shop. You may also write down this URL or copy and paste if you prefer :


  1. Oh how wonderful! I'm always on the look out for amazing finds and this is a great shop!

    Congratulations on your prize!

  2. Congrats Anna :)

    I love F.R. I have purchased several of her tag collections :) You will love your note cards and tags, I am sure :)

    Happy New Year :) regards, T.

  3. Cathryne and T@popplyplace yes FrenchRevelation does have some lovely cards. I noticed that she has recently added some beautiful embossed cards as well and I have got my eye of those. :)

  4. Ooh they sure are adorable! They feel light and breezy with such a soothing color and pretty script. Congrats on the win! You totally deserve it :-)


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