Sunday, January 3, 2010

Many Thanks to GiggleBot

Can't recall how many weeks ago, perhaps even a few months ago, that I posted on an Etsy forum's thread. The thread was seeking shops interested in being featured on a blog and as we all know, this can be wonderful advertisement and free as well. For many this is a great win-win situation, the shop gets a free plug and the blog gets something to blog about.

Photo above...Vintage Glass Leaf button...makes for a stunning necklace clasp ! Is available at my shop

However my downfall is that my shop is one of supplies and most bloggers are searching for those who exist on the creative end of Etsy's roster, the artists and crafters. Invariably my request was overlooked time and time again, but I could understand and certainly couldn't blame them.

Then out of blue I received an email from another Etsian, Gigglebot asking if I was still interested in being featured on her blog. Of course I was, would be crazy not to. So I replied positively and also mentioned that not many are interested in featuring an Etsy supply shop as supplies are not intriguing as say a glass blower, or a wood carver's interview would be.

Anyway I filled in the pertinent information and kept my fingers crossed, hoping for the best...and the best is just exactly what I got. I could not believe the incredibly wonderful feature that GiggleBot did. Her lead in was fantastic, very professional, which made me wonder if she was a professional in the advertising business, if not she should be as she seems to have a natural talent for it.

To visit GiggleBot's website and read her interview just click on any of the links that I've placed in this post or you can also copy and paste the URL below.


  1. Congratulations! Please post a URL when it's online so I can read it!

  2. Cathryn - Sorry about that ! I realize that I placed the URL far too low at the bottom of my post so,unfortunately, it is very easy to over look. The URL to GiggleBots Blog is

  3. Thank you for posting! I went to read the article and was inspired! Truly inspired! I've been considering opening a shop because--like you--I also make jewelry. But there's so many wonderful jewelry artists on Etsy and the competition is fierce. So I've been considering...and considering...

    The article about your shop was truly inspiring!

  4. Hi Anna, Lovely interview :)

    Some great advice and insight about Etsy.

    Have a wonderful day, regards, T. :)

  5. Glad someone gave you some love :) I for one, adore my Etsy supply friends. It's funny, I always wonder when I purchase from suppliers on Etsy whether or not they craft themselves. Of course, I knew you did, but it's interesting to get the perspective who both creates as well as sells the stuff used in creating!

  6. ciao!!! I wish you a funny 2010. And all the best for your work!!!!!!!!!!


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