Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And Just How Cold Was It ?

Just how cold was it ? Well, if we had a pumpkin patch the pumpkins would have had frost on them. When my hubby got up at 6:30 Wednesday morning the outside thermometer read 26.5 Fahrenheit degrees. For Florida that's cold...too cold. We have hibiscus bushes, orchids and palm trees, we're not supposed to have frost.

Photo below is taken of our outdoor thermometer at 8:30 a.m. ... just how cold was it...well it speaks for itself.

At 8:30 a.m. I stepped outside and snapped a few photos, the temperature on the thermometer had risen to a balmy 33.3 degrees Fahrenheit, but there were signs of frost everywhere I looked.

Photos below...The yard covered in icy crystals of white frost.

Photo below...More icy grass, thankfully we covered our little tropical Wax Jambu tree, but we won't know for awhile how much damage it has sustained. We almost lost it last year and I don't think the frost was this bad nor the temperature this low for this long.

Photo below...Even my Italian oregano was covered in frost and it was in a large planter placed close to the house.


  1. Pretty pictures! Grab that oregano and store it in your freezer! LOL Great for Italian dishes as you know!

    I hope you don't lose too many plants and trees to the frost.

  2. I grew up not all that far from Bradenton, and that is really cold for down there. Stay warm!

  3. I think it looks pretty! I haven't seen the grass here in Boston in weeks...

  4. Wow... frost in Florida? That must be rare. It is a little frosty up here in Vancouver.. but that is a bit more expected. Bundle up!

  5. I hope your plants and trees suvive the frost.

    The oregano is pretty with the front on it.

  6. How insane! I have seen photos of palms covered in ice and frost. I hope your plants and all the citrus crops down there (literally) weather this winter alright. Climate change is so very real.

  7. You got frost?In Florida?My, that sure is rare!


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