Monday, June 28, 2010

Hot and Hardy Plants

This summer is turning out to be a scorcher so the memories of this past, long and icy winter seems like ancient history.  For the last few months John and I have been trying to replace many of the plants that suffered either frost damage or were killed by the several, below 30 degree nights that they had to endure.
Photo above...the magnolia planter with it's ring of dead Lantana twigs. Though the Lantana did survive, both John and I felt it was too high maintenance with it's constant need for pruning during the hot, wet months of summer and babied during winter freezes.  In the end we opted to remove it and replant the circular planter with something more "user friendly". 

Photo above...45 bags of top soil to fill the planter with.  This is only half of the bags that were bought, the other half have already been emptied into the planter, plus we had to purchase an additional 30 bags to get the soil level up to where it needed to be.

Photo above...Work in progress (or process as I'm beginning to think the terminology is interchangeable).  We had to temporarily remove the irrigation system in order to add the much needed top soil.

Photos above and below...The finished planter with a circle of small, 3 gallon size, Schilling ilex (a type of holly that thrives in the heat of summer and survives the freeze of winter).

Photos above...Must admit it was a gorgeous day for photos, though very hot !


  1. Too pretty! I understand about Lantana--it turns invasive here if the conditions are right. I guess most plants can become invasive given the right environments. We're in drought so we have water restrictions to once a week gardening. The recent rains have provided water for the gardens and the rain barrels. We also try for native, perennial plants--although I do get caught up in oldtime sweet peas and stock from time to time!

    Beautiful garden!

  2. Nice job and I know its alot of work when you redo a garden! I love the new look! I also use rain barrels when the weather is too hot and for my containers!

  3. Anna, what a lot of fill. That must have been a job and a half to get into the planter. It is looking good! Love the simplicity of the lines now. I think as much as I love my garden it is way too much work and my poor Hubby has to do most of it, just glad I have a teenager to still cut the grass, when he completely leaves home (I guess after college) we will have to concrete the lawns :)

    Have a wonderful evening, T. :)

  4. Wow! That was a lot of work, but it looks great and I'm sure it will be much easier to take care of than the lantana. Great job!


  5. Yes it was a lot of top soil and a lot of work. Our trouble started when we first put in the planter and they delivered top soil was about 50% mulch. After a couple of years all the mulch decomposed and the level of the soil in the planter dropped by over a foot. Our little magnolia tree looked like it was planted on a tiny hill in the middle of the planter. :)

  6. I love what you did with it! Sorry to see your lantana go. I only have 3 lantana shrubs, so they are pretty easy to manage. The make my garden look so full :)

  7. Quite an undertaking of a project but so worth it! The planter circle came out looking gorgeous and I'm sure you're going to enjoy the super low maintenance on it over the years. Its been a scorcher here too but you will never hear me complain about it! Summer is the reason I live :-)


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