Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Socks That Are Hot or just Too Hot For Socks

Tube-Flops ?  Why ?  They seem to defeat the whole purpose of wearing flip-flops in the first place.  When I think of sandals and flip-flops I think of hot, muggy summer days and the very thought of threading my legs into a pair of almost knee high socks makes me shudder.
When temps are in the 90's or sky rockets into the 100's one would think something like this would be hot and uncomfortable. They also look like something that is going to require frequent laundering and at about $29 a pair they aren't as economical as your everyday 4 or 5 dollar, age old, run of the mill, get-em-at your Dollar Store, flip-flops.

What were they thinking ?  Probably thinking that the youth of today will buy anything if they think it's trendy enough.  Hope they are wrong...but just in case you're dying for a pair of these you can purchase them through Zappo's.com $29.95 free shipping.  As for me, I'd rather go bare-footed thank you very much !
What are your thoughts ?  Is this the next big Fashion Flip or will it be a Fashion Flop ?


  1. Yah, I would just stick to plain flip flops too. I don't really get the sock and sandal combo... reminds me of old men at the retirement centre with dress socks and sandals! ;)

  2. Hi Val - Your comment made me laugh. Yes they are reminiscent of those old men in retirement homes...I can even picture them in their socks and sandals playing shuffle board. LOL

  3. Oh goodness, I'm really not sure what to think of this. It goes in hand with the shoes with "toes".....just leaves me wondering.....why?!?!

    I'm also starting to wonder what "trendy" really means, haha!

  4. Oh NO NO NO NO! Someone is trying to bring leg warmers back only now they're pairing them up with flip flops???? RUUUUUUNNNNNN away from them...quick!!

  5. Not even in the 80's would I have worn these awful things and Shelby agrees with me!

  6. Erica and Aly - I am sooo glad that it isn't just me but I have a feeling that there will be some who will bite into this new fashion concept. Yes, I can see all those just-barely-teens congregating in malls up and down the California valley in La-La Land buying these monstrosities in every color imaginable. Oh a teen mother's nightmare. LOL

  7. I'm hoping that this will be the next flop--the flip-flop socks! Sheesh! That's as bad as seeing young men wear shorts down to their ankles with knee high socks and sandals--during the heat of a desert summer! I want to ask them "Does you momma allow you out of the house like this or did you have to sneak that get-up out?!?!??!"

  8. I bet they will be big - most things like these are. They remind me of the babylegs I by for my daughter, only for adults.

    I am a flip flop girl all the way!

  9. They look like legwarmers with the heels cut out. I say this fad won't catch on.

  10. Reading the comments I am thinking a FLOP :)

    You are right, flip flops are a shoe all by themselves, they don't need any embellishments :)T.

  11. Leg warmers meet tube socks! Fun.


  12. You could have ended your post on the photos and the third word you wrote -- Why?

    Wow, I don't think leg warmers and flip flops were ever meant to be married. Winter & summer just do not mix. These are truly awful and about $29.90 overpriced.


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