Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I know I should have blogged about this yesterday but believe me yesterday was something else starting with my daughter losing her job. The company she worked for had been sold and the new corporation decided to cut costs by cutting employees. However their timing sucks, why do this right before the holidays. When she went to work Monday it was like; "Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, oh btw, you're fired! Have a happy holiday."

On a lighter brighter side I did win a fantastic giveaway at The Beading Gem's Journal . If you're not familiar with this blog you really have to check it out. Pearl is a true pearl, she keeps her blog fresh and lively, you can find tutorials there for a number of interesting projects and if you are a jewelry maker/designer her blog is crammed full of ideas and inspiration to motivate us all. Even the non-jewelry makers in our fold will find her blog entertaining with cutting edge fashion, haute couture, and features on talented artist. Oh and did I mention she hosts many wonderful giveaways ?

This particular giveaway was unique in that it featured men's jewelry. Very masculine and yet very beautiful, so lovely in fact that a number of the ladies that entered the giveaway were considering keeping the jewelry for themselves ... I was one of them.

Thor's Hammer ... My prize, is cast from heavy pewter and hangs from a nice leather cord.  Pendant is about 1" x 1" and substantially thick.

Marc Murphy of Duncroft Masterworks  is a true artisan and his line of adornment for men is definitely not for the namby pamby, Marc's pieces are for Viking warriors, those guys who aren't afraid to get dirt under their fingernails or bust a knuckle working on a vintage car's old carburetor.

Please feel free to check out The Beading Gem's Journal and Mar's Duncroft Masterworks , I doubt that you'll be sorry that you did ... however you may regret that you didn't.


  1. So sorry to hear your daughter lost her job.I love it when things like that happen and they say, "Don't take it personally." How the ^@#! is one supposed to take it? I hope something new comes up for her soon. Congrats on the giveaway. That's a nice piece of jewelry.

  2. Give your daughter a hug for me that so sucks! I will check out the Beading Gem now.

  3. the very nerve of that company. It just shows you-all those years of "we are a family" type bull and now what do they do? You can't depend on anything anymore. I hope she takes this time to take a hard look at what she really wants to do. Might as well since the opportunity has been handed to you. I liked the blog that you recommended. Lots to read and the tutorials are way interesting

  4. Congrats on your win, that is a good way to soften the blow of the sad news about your daughter. :-( I'm sure she'll pick up & find something relatively quickly but if she doesn't maybe you could share Thor's Hammer with her. She can use it for intimidation lol. That thing is great! My fingers are crossed for her fining something asap!

  5. Hi there,

    I found you over at the Plantress' blog. I loved your comment that you left there so came over to have a sneaky nose at your blog. And I love it!

    I'm SO sorry about your daughter's job. Kind of tying that in with the SEO comment below, I hate the way that business spoils people's lives. I think we should work to live not live to work (had to check I had that the right way round!!).

    Anyway, I'm your brand new follower!! I don't have a store to promote or advertising...but I am nice and friendly!


  6. Oh Anna, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. Seriously, I think these big corps. have just completely forgotten how to be HUMAN!!!! We went thru a similar situ last year :(

    Congrats on the win. I think there are some lovely goodies out there right now :)

    Have a lovely evening, T. :)

  7. That was rotten news about your daughter's job. I hope she will find another soon.

    I'm so pleased you won the pendant on my giveaway - at least it was a positive note to the week.

    Thanks also for the thumbs up about my blog! I really appreciate it.


  8. How funny...I just realised that you left a comment on my blog just when I was leaving the one above on your blog....we're obviously destined to be each other's followers!!



  9. Oh dear, sorry to hear your daughter lost her job. The small company I work for had to lay off a few people two years ago, right before New Year's Eve - that was awful timing, too. :(

    Congrats on the super cool giveaway prize, though!! :D


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