Tuesday, December 7, 2010

UPDATE - - - Good News For The Holidays

As many of you may know, the company that my daughter Kathi worked for had been sold to another corporation and that corporation, in an attempt to balance the books, went through and down-sized its new acquisition. Like most buyouts the new company was not a local one nor did it have any knowledge of the people they would be letting go, theirs was strictly a numbers game and the higher salaried employees were at the top of the list of those to be dismissed. Kathi had work for NDC for a number of years and had become an intrigal part of the company. John McKay, her old boss at NDC, had been an ex Florida State Senator and was a founder of NDC. In the years that Kathi worked for NDC she impressed those she worked with and for.  Her boss and her peers thought well of her, respected her for her intelligence, work ethics, and her ability to learn quickly and adapt.

Soon after Kathi lost her job, John McKay called her to pass on information that he had put in a good word for her with District 58's new Representative, Jim Boyd. Jim Boyd's office had a position open and was looking for someone qualified to fill it, John McKay recommended Kathi for the position.

Boyd's office got in touch with Kathi almost immediately and scheduled an interview, it was as though this was meant to be. The interview was most successful, they were highly impressed with Kathi and her résumé and Kathi left the interview with a very positive feeling. Shortly after the interview they contacted her again to tell her that she had the job. Though the pay is less the job sounds interesting, she will have to go to Tallahassee for special training and she is delighted with her new job title "District Executive Secretary". Her daddy smiled when he heard and he commented; "Well as they always say; 'If you can't give them the money; give them a title.' "

Kathi is really excited about her new job and is looking forward to her up coming training session in Tallahassee. This is certainly a new direction in her career and it's nice to know that their Christmas won't be darkened by her being unemployed, or worries about paying bills or thoughts about having to sell her daughter's new horse, Scooby (this would have broken Lexie's heart).
Photo below...Lexie and Scooby BFF.

I also wish to thank all of you for your comments of concern and best wishes for our daughter, your caring thoughts were all appreciated and cherished. Thank you.
I've always been a believer that things happen for a reason, that our Creator knows which direction He wishes us to take and all we have to do is look for His signs and follow them. Of course sometimes His signs are very subtle, sometimes we don't see them and sometimes we choose not to see them, much to our detriment.


  1. This is wonderful news and warms the heart in this season of celebration. Congrats to Kathi, her family, and to Scooby.

  2. So nice to hear!
    Not that anytime is a good time to be unemployed but somehow at this joyous time of year, the sting seems even worse.
    I agree too that thing happen for a reason.
    I wish her Good Luck in her new adventure!

  3. YEA! Great news to read :-) I love John's line, it is so very, very true lol

  4. Oh Anna, I am so very Happy your daughter got a new job :) I bet that is a relief to you (as well as Kathi)

    Love the shot of Lexie on Scooby, too cute :)

    Hope you have a lovely afternoon, T. :)

  5. Jenn - You're so right. It is human nature, give us an impressive title and it takes away the sting of not getting that raise or making as much money as we would like to be making.

  6. Oh Yeah !!! I have heard of so many people getting laid off - it is great to hear some good news! Congratulations to your daughter!

  7. Well there you go! All that worrying for nothing because someone had a bigger plan for your girl. Don't you love it when things work out? Reaffirms your faith in the world and in that higher power out there!

  8. Such wonderful news. Kathi sounds like a treasure to have at work. Congratulations to her! You must be very proud of her.


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