Thursday, February 17, 2011

Trying To Shake Off SAD

Lately I've been out of sorts, moody and down.  Perhaps it's SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) as we've had so many dark gray days this winter.  Yesterday was sunny and today promises much of the same so I'm hoping that my mood will also brighten up and I'll become more functional...especially blog wise.

Our kitchen "adjustment" is coming along nicely though we did have to wait a bit longer for the wall cabinet to come in (about 3 weeks longer).  But it is up and looks good.
Photo above and below...Wall cabinet box is level and in place.

Photo below...Remember the base cabinet that was sitting in our living room?

Photo below...It is now in position beneath the wall cabinet, giving me more useable counter space next to my stove. Yea! 
Photo below...Doors are now on the wall unit.  Looking good!

Photo below...And all those drawers that decorated my family room floor ?

Photo below...Those drawers are now back in their base cabinet where they belong.  Loving it!

Photo below...Just one drawer remains but we'll be getting to that soon. :)


  1. Yep this time of the year can get anyone down but that kitchen is coming along awesome!

  2. I absolutely sympathize with your SAD feelings, this winter seriously just broke me. I always get a little moody in January but I was in full on downward spiral this year. No worries about not blogging my friend, we all go through stops & starts in this virtual world. You can count on me being here to read when you have the umph to get back and write. That is when I'm not curled up in a ball in the corner trying to ward off the evil winter demons lol

    The kitchen is coming along great!

  3. Been there myself. Our weather's better but with all Etsy's changes I'm in a mental slump. This too, will pass! Glad your kitchen is just about back to normal. IT looks fabulous.

  4. Your kitchen is looking great! I'm sure you will be so happy for it come together, finally. Projects like that can try on anyone...sorry to hear that you've been down. :-( I think we have all been there at one time or another, I know I have. I've missed your posts...but I know soon you'll be back up and writing!

    Have a lovely long weekend!!! Yippeee!


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