Finally, the Piccadilly Bracelet is complete (except for adding a clasp). To me it is fun and colorful and so unlike anything I've ever done before.
Photo Above - The left side of the bracelet features colors of light and dark coral, chartreuse and turquoise. Embellishments contain semi-precious beads of green aventurine, wood agate, moss agate, dark blue sodalite, larimar, dark blue dumortierite and olive jade . A cute little triangle bead in vibrate lime green adorns this first section and to highlight this little bead I encircled it with a halo of turquoise glass seed beads topped with much smaller, silver plated, seed beads.
Photo Above - Progressing from left to right: tube beads of lapis and apple green quartz combine with round tablet beads in pastel yellow and green, thus forming a bridge between the first section and a striped, seed beaded tube.
Connecting the beaded tube to the bracelet's middle section is a glistening olivine crystal, flanked top and bottom with tiny garnet beads.
Like the first section, I used a peyote stitch to form the base that is then embellished with tiny glass flower beads and a fringy stripe of garnet beads.
Photo Above - Heading toward the left side of the middle section, the smaller size 11 Delica seed beads give way to a section of larger size 11, Toho beads in turquoise blue. A sweet iridescent, jet glass, heart sits proudly in the middle of these beads and is decorated with two tiny garnet beads.
Another fringy stripe of garnet beads follows, bringing us to an open frame that features an unusually shaped white glass bead ( I only had one of these beads and wanted to make sure it received special attention). Two little garnet beads are used to fill in the extra space and help center the white bead in its frame. Once again I've added a fringy stripe of garnet beads. These tiny garnet beads are only 2 mm round so I used the smallest size 15 seed beads I had as topper-stop beads. You can see them above in both a chartreuse color and in a pinkish color, called strawberry.

Photo Above - Finally the last section. A peyote spiral striped tube in coral, white and chartreuse sits between two large crystal beads. The crystal on the left is a dark ruby red while the crystal on the right is a fresh grass green. Like the previous crystal, tiny garnet beads are used to hide the Fireline that connects the crystals to the bracelet. When I fabricated the peyote tube I made the mistake of adding a fringe to the tube's top and bottom. This made attaching the crystals difficult and if I had it to do over I would have attached the crystals first and then added the fringe.
The last section is again, flat peyote stitch, it features simple white stripes with a silver beaded center embellished by an adorable, pink glass, heart bead.
This end of the bracelet terminates with a fringe of small 2 mm beads, since only three of the tiny 2 mm garnet beads were left I had to improvised by adding three tiny red jasper beads and three tiny hematite beads to complete the fringy stripe. Sure it isn't like the other garnet bead stripes but with this bracelet just about anything goes. A fringe of turquoise drop beads graces
this end of the bracelet.
Welcome to the World, Piccadilly !
I haven't decided if I'll place Piccadilly with some of my pieces in the Manatee, Florida art center (called; ArtCenter Manatee) or if it will go into a gallery in the Village of the Arts, where I have also displayed and sold many pieces of my handcrafted jewelry.