Sunday, August 23, 2015

Misplaced in the Move

Searching for a lost pattern
In my last post I explained how  had I ruined a favorite dress, so it was only natural for me to decide to make another dress like it.  Somewhere there was a pattern but exactly where?  
Back in 2005 we had put our home up for sale and, trying to make my home real estate perfect, I gathered up all clutter and anything I felt was extraneous; furniture, books, cookbooks,  brick-a-brack.  This included all  (yes ALL) of my craft supplies, even my sewing and sewing machine. 
Our home sold quickly, too quickly really, we had to rent a tiny villa while we searched for a place to live full time.  We ended up buying close to 3 acres of land and building a modest ranch style house.  This took about 18 months, more or less. Meanwhile most of our belongs remained in storage.
We finally moved into our new home in July of 2007.  Even though that was 8 years ago much of my craft supplies are still stashed in miscellaneous boxes that are scattered about in various closets.  It was like an Easter Egg Hunt, trying to locate this particular pattern.  I looked in box after box, searched through drawers, plowed through every cabinet that I knew I had stashed crafting supplies within and . . . Nothing !  The pattern could not be found.  Then I remembered that in my personal closet, within a cabinet that I use to store hats and sweaters, I had seen a piece of pattern tissue sticking out from under a pile of clothes that needed repair.  Could this be my missing pattern ?
To Be Continued . . .


  1. rid of your craft supplies???? THE HORROR! lol

  2. Get rid of my craft supplies ???? Oh heavens no! That would be like cutting off an arm or a leg. :D
    I just gathered it all up and dumped it into boxes, bags and even used a couple of plastic laundry baskets to stash it all in.
    Sorry if I gave you an anxiety attack. :D

  3. Now you get to have fun retrieving items that have been stored away for so long!

  4. Suspenssssse :) So you sew as well? I half-sewed an apron at school :)


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